アリスが来て1日たった。 It has been a day since alice came home.
[Miaou Blog ]If you need the description in English, Click here.

https://miaou-cat.jp/2019/06/15/ アリス/

猫部屋 Live配信中! http://www.youtube.com/user/kamaitachiTV
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みけ Mi-ke (三毛猫 calico, female ♀; May, 2014- )
くろ Kuro (黒猫 black, male ♂; October, 2014- )
しぴ Chipie (グレートラ light gray tabby, female ♀; April, 2015- )
みみ Mimi (グレートラ gray tabby, female ♀; April, 2015- )
まや Maya (茶白 red tabby and white, Male ♂; April,2016-)
るか Luca (アビシニアン レッド Abyssinian Red, male ♂ ;January 16, 2017-)
める Mer (アビシニアン ルディ Abyssinian Ruddy, male ♂ ;January 16, 2017-)
らな Lana (サビ猫 tortoiseshell cat, female ♀; July, 2017- )

みゃうのぶろぐ(ねこのぶろぐ) https://miaou-cat.jp/

猫部屋グッズ : http://www.catsroom-miaou.shop/

Twitter : https://twitter.com/Catsroom_Miaou

Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/Catsroom_Miaou/

公式サイト : http://miaou-jp.com
facebook :https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100006744495228



  1. What a adorable kitty! Alice is a beautiful name for her. ❤ She seems to love her Dad already. What a great start to her life. 😊

    Can't wait to see other cats' reaction to her. 😂

  2. 新規企業がきまって海外に行くのに猫を迎えて無責任に相手に押し付けるのは飼い主としてどうなんですかね…

  3. OMG, congratulations Dad! I just got my two boys home today. Two tabbies, one orange and the other black and grey. 2 lbs each and just like Alice, bad boys. There is gonna be jealousy and battles at your home. She is beautiful! 😻😻😻

  4. Don't you know how to cuddle a cat… Why constantly show it your hand, this is such dumb behaviour. This is actually a baby animal, not just a symbol, so in actual fact you have to cuddle it, not just make romantic gestures.

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