Today I am going to show you how to buy a Ragdoll Kitten from a reputable breeder in 6 steps!

Your best chance of getting a Ragdoll Cat is through a reputable breeder. A reputable Ragdoll breeder will guarantee the health of your kitten by screening the parents for genetic diseases, giving them the proper vaccinations, and properly socializing the cat.

► Ragdoll Cat Breeders

○ Teemo and Arya’s Breeder –

► My Modern Cat Store

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► Similar Videos that May Interest You

○ Things to Know Before Getting a Ragdoll Cat –
○ Ragdoll Kittens and their First Day Home –
○ Should You get a Male or Female Ragdoll Cat –
○ What to buy for a NEW KITTEN –

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○ Modkat Scratcher Lounge –

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► Cat Associations

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► The Stars

○ Teemo – Boy Cream Bicolor Ragdoll Cat
○ Arya – Girl Cream Bicolor Ragdoll Cat

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  1. Thank you for the upload! I am glad you covered this topic! ☺

    I think you forgot to mention two more things; 1 is that don't reputable breeders usually give you a copy of veterniary records regarding the cats (like vaccinations shot etc) when you go get them? And 2, when signing the contract, reputable breeders will (or should) take back the kitten if you, the owner, can no longer look after them. This one of the things that separates a kitten farmer/backyard breeder from reputable breeders.

    Nevertheless, I loved hearing your experience with Teemo's and Arya's breeder. 🥰If I was on a waitlist and I had first pick, I would have chosen cats who got along well, were less vocal, had a confident personality without being stubborn, and were highly responsive to training so it would be easier for me to train them.

    Also, if you don't mind me asking (I apologise if this is an intrusive question and you certainly don't have to answer if you feel it is) but who is that orange and white cat in the video that one of your kittens was playing with?

  2. I just brought a kitten last week for $800 AUD. After few days the kitten was showing some symptoms like seizures. I immediately took her to the vet and the vet recommended to put her to sleep because she was deteriorating so quickly and less likely for her to survive. 😢

  3. I went to see the 5 weeks old ragdoll bicolour kitten I was interested in yesterday and he’s absolutely gorgeous, but he was quite fearful of strangers and was shaking quite a bit. So I’m wondering if he is properly socialised and if he will still be affectionate and open to exploring new things.

  4. How did you keep them from breeding with each other? I wanted a male and female from the same litter but was concerned that I wouldn’t be able to prevent crossbreeding and I didn’t want to fix them too early.

  5. I learned this the hard way. After Nuadha passed away, my son wasn't doing too well mental health wise, so I called the first breeder I found online and just bought a kitten. Breeder then cut off all contact. Hermes, the kitten, had a stroke when he was just 4 months old. What followed, both with my sons mental health, plus my auto immune disease which was reacting to stress, was nothing short of a nightmare. After about a month, I started looking for an ethical registered breeder, and three months later we got helios. We are still in contact with her, she says to feel free to ask her any questions at any time. Not only that, but before she sold Helios to us, she wanted a letter from my vet and proof our existing cats had health insurance. A good breeder won't just sell their babies to just anyone who has the money. Please, please do your homework and be pateint. This year was easily one of the worst years of my life.

  6. I got a kitty from the feral cat society. They said it was a flamed tipped Siamese, but after seeing your rag dolls, we’re thinking it could be a Ragdoll. How can we know for sure? Lucky looks just like Temo and Arya.

  7. hi~ I’m a breeder here and all of these are true. It took me a long time to be able to find a breeder like this and I’m still in contact with her. I learned the hard way that scams for these cats are very common.

  8. How about the breeder going to ship a kitten by airline? When Is the perfect time to pay the balance payment? They ask me for the balance after booking the airline. Is this the right way? Please, someone who can advise me, That's appreciated it

  9. Here in Switzerland, non of the breaders are in TICA; the country has it's own certification. They are about 1,400-1,600CHF each but vaccinated twice, chipped, vet check-up required (by 14 weeks by law), and pedigree certificate…some would sterilized even before signing the contract – or we do get them fixed ourselves and let the breeder know with proof. I like the lighter coat like our late Turk agora, but the colder it gets the darker the outcome with their points 😉

  10. Love your breeder, but so sad that it's for far away for us 🙂 They even have a ALL WHITE one just like our late Turkish angora with blue eyes "show-quality" :-{

  11. I got my kitten (third Ragdoll kitten/fourth Ragdoll of my life) from the same cattery you did, three days ago… that cattery has many litters right now, but after finding out what sort of personality I was looking for (affectionate and relatively calm even for a Ragdoll) and she was able to steer me toward two specific upcoming litters — like you, I made my choice from a photo, but would've chosen Chidi in any case… he made friends with resident 13yo Ragdoll Hurley less than 48 hours after I brought him home, and has already adapted quite well otherwise. (I wish I could've brought home a pair of kittens, but the limit in my apartment is two cats of any age)

    I see others have already mentioned vet records, that's something my current vet reminded me to obtain when I made the new kitten appointment a week or two ago.

  12. We are currently on a waitlist for our first ragdoll. It will be a few months but we are loving your videos! My four year old laughed so hard at your two kitties playing. Thank you for the great content!

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