


ROYAL 法國皇家 博美成犬PA 1.5kg(狗飼料、狗乾糧、狗糧):https://wonderfulapple.net/3252s
Hill’s 希爾思天然纖維犬糧:https://reurl.cc/9R2AVj

STORY ACCESSORY 狗狗訂製純銀項鍊-博美款交換禮物/聖誕禮物/送禮:https://ibanana.biz/3252x
小型犬寵物後背包 胸前包:https://reurl.cc/9R2A0d

Pomeranians are a small toy breed of dogs, they have fluffy double coats, pointed ears, curled tails and fox-like faces. They are very popular pets, and also the favorites of many celebrities and historical figures. In this video, I will introduce you to 12 cool facts about Pomeranians. Can you believe that the ancestors of Pomeranians were actually sled dogs? What is the relationship between Pomeranians and foxes? What stories do Pomeranians have with musicians? What connection do Pomeranians have with Queen Victoria? And what health problems and prevention methods do Pomeranians have? If you are a Pomeranian lover, or want to raise a Pomeranian, then this video will definitely open your eyes, trust me, you will not want to miss it!

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