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¡Bienvenidos a Mascooriente, el canal donde encontrarás todo lo que necesitas saber sobre el cuidado y la salud de tus mascotas! En este video, abordaremos un tema de vital importancia: ¿Qué es la panleucopenia felina?
Acompáñanos mientras exploramos en detalle esta enfermedad viral que afecta a los gatos. Te explicaremos qué es la panleucopenia felina, cómo se transmite y cuáles son sus síntomas característicos. También discutiremos la importancia de la vacunación y las medidas preventivas para proteger a tus gatos de esta enfermedad.
Con la ayuda de nuestros expertos veterinarios, profundizaremos en los aspectos más relevantes de la panleucopenia felina, como su impacto en el sistema inmunológico de los gatos, los grupos de riesgo y las consecuencias de no tratarla adecuadamente.
Además, te proporcionaremos consejos prácticos sobre cómo prevenir la propagación de la panleucopenia felina en tu hogar, cómo reconocer los síntomas tempranos y qué hacer en caso de que sospeches que tu gato pueda estar infectado.
No te pierdas este valioso video en el que desmitificaremos conceptos erróneos sobre la panleucopenia felina y te brindaremos la información necesaria para proteger a tus felinos de esta enfermedad potencialmente grave.
Recuerda suscribirte a nuestro canal para recibir más contenido educativo y actualizaciones sobre la salud y el bienestar de tus mascotas. ¡Acompáñanos en Mascooriente y descubre todo sobre la panleucopenia felina!
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Hello, more common family, today we are going to talk about a disease that is quite complex in our cats. It is called pan leukopenia or misnamed feline parvovirus. Welcome Well, family, why do I say that it is misnamed feline parvovirus? Panucopenia is caused by a virus from the parvoviridae family, that is, it is a distant cousin of the canine parvovirus. It also turns out that it presents the same symptoms and a
Very similar clinical picture, so that is why it is called feline parvovirus, but really the disease itself for cats is called bread leukopenia So how do they present that very similar clinical picture And if you suddenly missed the canine parvovirus video up here I
Leave you the link so you don’t miss anything And understand more about these diseases we are going to find some very similar clinical signs As for For example, loss of appetite, decay, we are going to see what they are going to see suddenly, bloody diarrhea, slow vomiting, and a very peculiar thing
. canines that does not occur in parvovirus so that is one of the big differences that we can find here So when we start to see these clinical signs and suddenly we see that our
Kitten has a fever we already notice it a little strange and we can take it to the doctor The veterinarian and there in the office are going to do a rapid test to rule out this disease. Let’s remember that this
Rapid test in a matter of 10 minutes we will have a result being positive or negative and we also have to keep in mind that this type of diagnosis has a The margin of error is small, but it still has a margin of error. However, we also have another possibility, which
Would be to reconfirm the treatment or if we suddenly see that the clinical signs warrant performing the PCR, then we take a blood sample and send it to the laboratory. there they do the pcr test and this is 100% true and effective. So we can start
The treatment as such, let’s remember that since it is a viral disease, it is not considered a specific treatment for it, but it has been a treatment maintenance or systematic these treatments basically what they are going to do is keep the patient, for example
If he vomits Then medicines are applied for vomiting antibiotics are suddenly applied to prevent there being any secondary infection by bacteria and so on let’s remember that just as that the parvovirus, the pan leukopenia, basically, what it will lead to is dehydration of our patient due to vomiting, diarrhea and lack of appetite.
It will lead to the death of our kitten. So how does the transmission of this disease really occur? Our pet must come into contact with the poop of another cat that is infected, so the main route is nasal or fecal gold. comes into contact with the respiratory tract or that comes
Into contact with the digestive tract directly through the mouth This is the easiest way for our pets to acquire this disease Well, but it is super important how to prevent it so the main prevention is basically going to be vaccination let’s remember that Vaccination is
Our greatest help and our greatest ally when our pets come into contact with these types of viruses, let’s remember that the vaccine is not going to cover it 100%. It will give you bread leukopenia but what the vaccine will do
Is that if it comes into contact and an infestation of this virus comes directly to our cat, the symptoms will greatly decrease and its mortality rate will decrease so our kitten in hospital can get out of this clinical picture much easier
Even if he didn’t have any vaccinations also another prevention method and it’s essential since we already have kittens in the house and we’re going to bring a new member it’s important that Let’s have a room in the house where the quarantine period of this new pet will be
And the ideal would be to keep it for about 15 days and see if it suddenly presents any anomaly if it is eating well if it defecates well if it does not vomit to That we can then put him
In contact with our other cats, this would be the easiest way to prevent this type of disease from entering our home and, well, family, this is all about feline panleukopenia. I invite you to subscribe and click on it. Ring the bell so
You don’t miss anything about this new content. Remember that we are going to be uploading more videos about cats for you who have a cat or how you form a cat family, this is well informed about what
You should do and what diseases it has They can be presented to you if you have any questions let me know below in the comment box and remember that more than pets are family