A Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Tri Color Puppy Dog named BoBa wants to show you a cool optical illusion.

Hey guys! Ryu here, we now have memberships for this channel. If you want, you can join us for $0.99 a month. You will have a special loyalty badge and emoji every time you comment! It is just something small to show your appreciation for me and your boy, BoBa!!!

Thank you for all of your support!

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Tik Tok:
https://www.tiktok.com/@ryuandboba?lang=en – Extra Funny Content

Channel Goals:
What is the goal of this channel? Well here at Ryu and BoBa, Our goal is to make you smile and laugh! So hopefully by the time you leave this channel, you will be smiling on your way out 😀

This image has actually no colors stare at the red dot in the middle for 5 seconds ready 1 2 3 4 5 close your eyes for another 5 seconds 1 2 3 4 5 now open your eyes


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