Merry Christmas!🐱🐶🐱🐱🎄🎁✨



⚪︎名前 : ちー

⚪︎生年月日 : 2009年7月18日

⚪︎品種: ミックス(アメショ×オシキャット)

⚪︎性格 : 礼儀に厳しい美女

⚪︎名前 : エアロ

⚪︎生年月日 : 2014年3月3日

⚪︎品種: トイプードル

⚪︎性格 : 食いしん坊甘えん坊

⚪︎名前 : 大吉

⚪︎生年月日 : 2018年6月11日

⚪︎品種: マンチカン

⚪︎性格 : のんびり食いしん坊

⚪︎名前 : るい

⚪︎生年月日 : 2020年6月8日

⚪︎品種: アメリカンショートヘア

⚪︎性格 : やんちゃ食いしん坊

#猫 #Cat #クリスマス #dog #マンチカン#Munchkin #ねこ #犬 #大吉#Daikichi #christmas

I enjoyed Christmas 2023 with my cute family, so please watch the video! This Christmas, we have prepared socks for this cute Christmas costume and present! The presents for cats are cat toys and dolls!The presents for Aero are sweet potato-flavored snacks and dried strawberries!

We prepared a special meal for Christmas! (Dried chicken with Churu.) It’s so cute! I was a good boy this year too, so I can get a Christmas present! Maybe I’m worried after all right I got something! I’ll check it out!It’s a cat toy!As expected of Santa Claus!

Christmas is great after all!I’ll break the toy right away! Thank you for the food! This meal tastes good and is the best! It was a taste that didn’t stop!It was so delicious!I don’t think I can have another helping, but I want to eat more! Please give me a second helping of the meal!♡

It’s already Christmas! By the way, do I look good in this Christmas outfit?No wonder it suits me! Give it to me as soon as possible!Here’s a present! Don’t let me tell you!What can I get this year?Money? Snacks?

You can give me a present later, so eat first! I’m hungry!Hurry up and bring your Christmas chicken! Age doesn’t matter! Adults can enjoy Christmas, too! I want to have a meal soon! For example, high-class sashimi?I smell like a raccoon! It stinks! This dried chicken is so filling! It’s too little!

I want to eat more!What a pity! Well, the food was good!Chicken! It wasn’t enough!2023 is coming to an end! This smell is like that raccoon, after all!Enjoy Christmas, everyone!

Am I cute? I know that?Are you going to give me a present? Can you give me a present soon?I was a good boy this year, too. But did I find out that prank?Oh my gosh. But let’s make a mistake by acting cute! Are you having a meal?Not yet? Thank you for the food!

This is delicious but small in quantity!I will eat properly and cleanly!It was delicious!Christmas is the best! Have a nice meal, everyone! Hi everyone! Does this Christmas outfit look good on me?I’m handsome!I look like a prince!What about Christmas presents and Christmas meals?There is, right?

Should I act cute!Am I cute?Then, please give me a present! I know there are Christmas presents and Christmas meals in that direction! Because I saw them on the table!Santa Claus looks busy!Reindeer, too! Do you get paid? Chicken is delicious, but it’s healthy and awesome!I want to eat more!

We don’t have chicken anymore.I’m sorry to leave you. Have a wonderful Christmas everyone!


  1. 主さん、ちーちゃん、るいちゃん、エアロちゃん、大吉くん、メリークリスマス🎅🎄❤🎉

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