Las mejores mascotas estas en este link 👉👉

¡Bienvenidos a Mascooriente, el canal donde te brindamos los mejores consejos para el cuidado de tus adorables mascotas! En este video, te guiaremos a través de un proceso esencial: cómo introducir una nueva dieta a tu compañero peludo de manera segura y efectiva.

Acompáñanos en este viaje informativo mientras te proporcionamos consejos prácticos y recomendaciones expertas para lograr una transición de alimentos exitosa. Descubrirás por qué es importante hacerlo gradualmente y cómo puedes evitar problemas gastrointestinales comunes.

En este video, aprenderás a identificar las señales de que tu mascota podría necesitar un cambio en su dieta y cómo elegir la comida adecuada para sus necesidades específicas. También te proporcionaremos un plan paso a paso para llevar a cabo la transición sin problemas.

Descubrirás la importancia de monitorear la respuesta de tu mascota a la nueva dieta y cómo ajustarla según sea necesario. Además, te contaremos sobre los beneficios de una dieta equilibrada y cómo puede contribuir a la salud y la vitalidad de tu peludo amigo.

Prepárate para sentirte seguro y capacitado para realizar una transición exitosa de la dieta de tu mascota. Tu leal compañero merece lo mejor, y en Mascooriente estamos aquí para ayudarte a lograrlo.

No te pierdas este video esencial para todos los amantes de los animales que desean brindar una alimentación adecuada a sus mascotas. ¡Suscríbete a nuestro canal, activa las notificaciones y únete a la comunidad de amantes de los animales en Mascooriente! ¡Aprende cómo introducir una nueva dieta de manera segura para tu mascota!

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Hello, warmer family, welcome back to our channel, today we are going to talk about a very important topic of how to introduce a new diet to our pet in an effective and safe way so that they can become healthier and happier. Welcome [Music ]

Ready family Remember that before introducing a new diet to our furry it must be done safely Remember that each pet is unique and that is why it is important that we consult with our trusted veterinarian so that he can solve the specific needs

Of each furry can have Well, the first thing we are going to do is prepare and choose this new diet for our furry friend. It is super important to remember that we can choose a commercial diet or a homemade diet, as we have seen in our previous videos that we are going

To leave here for you. let them see all our recipes we are going to select we are going to investigate which is the best and the amount of protein or food that each diet has to know if we are going to give it a

Commercial diet or we are going to prepare the diet at home The second step is the introduction gradual changes in our pet’s new diet Remember that sudden changes in our pet’s diet can cause serious digestive problems. So it is important to increase

Little by little or gradually introduce this new diet to the current diet, in this way we will allow our Your pet adapts to this new diet. The third step is to observe your pet’s reaction. It is super important while we are making

This new change to our furry friend, to see if he has allergies or intolerances, or if he finds it heavy in this way, in case If this happens, it is important to stop with this new diet and consult your trusted veterinarian o Remember if you acquired

Your pet with us, the most common one you have is a virtual veterinary medical service that goes during the first year of the acquisition of your pet on which will be able to help you solve all

These doubts and give you the best options so that this diet is not heavy for the fourth step of this new diet is the progressive increase. Remember that as time goes by your pet adapts to this new food and we can do it gradually you start

To reduce the old food and you start to increase the new one you can start percentages of the first days start with 10% tests around 34 days you increase 20 30 40 And as you go Increasing the other you are decreasing the previous food in this way

Our furry one will have a much better adaptation to this new diet every time The fifth step of our diet and no less important is that we have to have a lot of patience and a lot of love for this patience patience to As our furry adapts, there are some that can

Adapt very quickly, as there are others that can take a little longer, however, it does not mean that this will not be very healthy and much better for them. So we have to be very patient and very love in this process the sixth step is positive reinforcement remember

Your pet first with praise, affection or even with prizes with this new food this will make your pet associate this change as something very pleasant and it will associate it with the new food we can finally deduce that this diet brings many benefits for our pet,

Benefits such as its skin, its fur and its vitality in general. So don’t be discouraged and continue. Good family. Remember that it is super important that if you did not acquire your pet with us and you do not have the virtual veterinary medical service It is super important that you consult

Your vet because since each puppy is unique, it has different needs. So it is super important that you do not overlook this since it is a balanced diet and you can give him what he needs in the same way, we will be leaving you. videos and

Tips on how to make this diet more enjoyable, more enjoyable, and much healthier for your furry friend and that’s all for today. I hope your advice has been very useful to introduce the new diet to your furry friend. And please don’t forget to subscribe and give click

In the bell and share our videos And remember more than pets are family bye bye [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause]

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