
Amazonベーシック 犬用ソフトクレート ペットキャリー 折りたたみ式 リンク

00:00 スタート
00:31 ソフトクレート ペットキャリー
02:09 福助の玉子焼き
03:00 フクギ並木を散策
03:48 夫婦の木
04:05 jackrussell’strail
05:01 べにいもや(カフェ)
10:16 cafe CAHAYA BULAN
11:04 その他、カフェ
11:09 エンディング

Hello, this is Spike Channel. This time we are going on a long trip to the Fukugi trees in the northern part of Okinawa Prefecture, so we prepared a large crater The so that Spike can stay comfortably. owners have a small house despite their unnecessarily large bodies. A folding type like this is useful.

In addition, Nitori’s Hotel Style L is a Cinderella fit. The logo of Amazon Basics is cool. I’m leaving. lets go I fell asleep right away. It seems to be comfortable. It arrived while I was sleeping. This time I tried putting it in a light car But I can afford it.

I understand that you want to walk, but I wonder if there is anything I can do to make it easier for you to eat breakfast first ? As I was walking around, I found something that looked good and Spike pulled it, so let’s go . [Music]

[Music] We were hungry, so we headed straight to the ticket machine, which only accepts cash. Everything looked delicious . Indecisive. That’s what I ordered.The extra-thick tamagoyaki is fluffy and has a slightly sweet and salty taste.It goes perfectly with the pork.My dad is driving, so my mom drinks the beer.Of

Course, I have one too.Sorry to keep you waiting. Once done, I’m off again.I can’t help but want to run.Sometimes I leave my master behind.Bise’s Fukuki Naki is a nostalgic Okinawa famous spot lined with beautiful Fukugi trees.You can take a stroll along the many paths.Sunlight filtering through the leaves. It’s like a fantasy world.It’s

A mystical spot.As you walk along the path, a cafe suddenly appears.It’s like a worldview from Ghibli.You can enjoy a magical moment.This is an Okinawan couple’s tree.Two Nagabutsunoki trees are nestled together, creating a harmony between a couple. It is a heart-warming scene that symbolizes the safety of the family. [Music] Today is the last Sunday in November. The temperature is 25 degrees, and the mosquitoes are amazing. When I came to the Fukugi trees, I took precautions against mosquitoes. There were a lot of butterflies. I walked for a while. So let’s take a little break. A cute tart shop with the warmth of wood and the pleasant smell of Moochie. The seasonal tarts made with Beniimo from the prefecture, Moochie and Benimo Daifuku Moochie are already sold out. I want to try Moochie next time. Thank you! It’s a bean imo tart and a mango bean imo tart.

Very reasonable at 150 yen and 200 yen. Let ‘s all have a toast. We also have spiked oimo sticks. I love oimo too. I’m Prince Oimo. I’m drooling. I ‘m feeling good after eating the sweet tart. A road splits into two lines of Fukugi trees that go on forever.Which way should you go?

The Fukugi trees are flat and easy to walk on.You can also rent bicycles.I wonder what’s wrong with the spikes that seem so excited ? A beautiful beach came into view, as if I had found something.As expected, I love the sea.It smells like the sea.Let’s have a little fun. This is a 3-minute drive from Chiu Aquarium.What you can see in the background is Iejima Tacchu , it’s important. I’m working hard today as well. I’m finally back with mommy. Let’s play together. I didn’t bring any sea toys today because I just gave her a bath yesterday, so

I’m going to put her in the sea. It was supposed to be just watching, not a plan, but the masters gave up because they looked lonely and cried. They can’t beat you. The masters are happy when they see Spike having fun. They throw the falling pebbles. Spike looks for the stone.

He sinks and loses sight. He is forced to do this forever. A botanical cafe with hot dogs that are as cute as humans and look delicious. This time, I have been curious about it for a while. [Music] This cafe serves Hawaiian pancakes, acai ball smoothies, etc. It has a

Stylish interior with a tropical atmosphere.The owners want to eat at a small table outside, so we decided to make the menu available for takeout. My dad loves acai bowls, and my mom had a banana smoothie.I’m glad we came to the perfect location , with Ie Island in the middle, both cold and delicious.There

Are also tacos, Okinawa soba shops, and food trucks. The walk we took is almost over.Which scene were you interested in? Please let me know in the comments and please give me a like . Thank you for watching this channel. This channel is

About Okinawa’s daily adventures, including cafe visits and pet product reviews with Spike . Summer goes to the beach!! Subscribe to the channel and join us with Spike. Let’s have an adventure

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