История о трудностях, с которыми сталкиваются заводчики сфинксов, была рассказана женщиной в социальной сети. На тот момент она только начинала свою деятельность и все было для нее новым.

The story of the difficulties faced by Sphynx breeders was told by a woman on a social network. At that time, she was just starting her career and everything was new to her. Some of her most memorable moments included the cat’s first birth and the day she learned that

One of the babies had a genetic disorder. It all happened like this: the cute and newborn kittens were constantly under the control of the owner, and she could not help but notice that one of the babies was becoming weaker and more helpless every hour, while the rest greedily absorbed their mother’s milk.

The kitten was nearby, but did not eat. The woman began to sound the alarm because she understood that the kitten would not last long without food. She had to urgently call a veterinarian to her home so that he could examine the kitten and identify the reason for the refusal of milk.

An experienced veterinarian quickly determined that the cause was a genetic abnormality in the kitten – shortening of the lower jaw. The act of eating was extremely difficult for the baby; he could not suck milk on his own. If the woman had not sought help, the kitten could have died.

Now he had to be fed using various additional devices. The doctor expressed the hope that by switching to solid food the kitten would be able to adapt and the problem would disappear. The woman was also warned that an animal with such a pathology is not allowed for breeding, but she was not

Upset, because the main thing is that the life of the little sphinx is now safe Dear friends! If you liked the video, give it a like, and also subscribe to the channel, where you will find many more interesting things!

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