Сотрудники приюта в Техасе были удивлены, увидев на пороге картонную коробку, и сначала подумали, что в ней находятся документы. Подойдя поближе, сотрудница заметила, что из коробки торчит лысая лапка.

Shelter workers in Texas were surprised to see a cardboard box on the doorstep and initially thought it contained documents. Coming closer, the employee noticed that a bald paw was sticking out of the box. She suggested that there might be a Sphynx inside – a special breed of cat.

But as it turned out, it was not a cat. Staff at the South Plains Wildlife Sanctuary in Texas, USA, discovered that someone had left a box on their doorstep. The center’s director, Gail Barnes, approached the box, thinking there were documents inside. However, she saw a bald paw peeking out of

The box and suggested that there might be a sphinx inside. When she pulled the animal out of the box, she was surprised – in front of her was a hairless opossum. It was a small female who for some reason ended up in the hands of a man.

The baby was cold, trembling and weighed only 130 grams, so the shelter staff rushed to help her. She was placed in an incubator where her body temperature was maintained at an optimal temperature. The staff cared for her every hour, doing everything they could to make her feel comfortable.

Veterinarians explained that this baby has congenital alopecia – baldness. This was probably why her mother abandoned her and she was picked up and brought to the door of the orphanage. Because of this feature, the baby would not have been able to survive in the wild, so she was picked up just in time.

Soon the opossum grew up and became stronger – her weight is now 583 grams. She eats crickets, mealworms, yogurt, fruits and vegetables. The shelter staff are not going to release her into the wild; they will take care of her themselves. They also collect knitted clothes for her from all over the country.

When shelter staff posted her photo and asked for more warm clothes, users from all over America responded. Now the possum has a whole collection of costumes! We thank the kind people for saving this miracle! Dear friends! If you liked the video, don’t forget to like it,

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  1. Спасибо за спасение опоссума! Даже, если он лысый, он всё-таки живой! И теперь, надеюсь,счастлив!👍❤👍

  2. Спасибо людям , кто помогал этому существу выжить , кормил его , покупал одежку , и всем другим людям , которые откликнулисьь , и прислали еще одежды , я даже не знала , что такие зверюшки бывают ! ❤❤❤😊😊😊 !

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