Las mejores Bernés de la montaña están en el siguiente link 👉👉

¡Bienvenidos a Mascooriente, el canal donde exploramos el maravilloso mundo de nuestras adorables mascotas! En este emocionante video, te invitamos a descubrir 5 curiosidades fascinantes sobre la majestuosa raza de perros Bernese de la Montaña.

Acompáñanos en un viaje a través de la historia y las características únicas de esta impresionante raza. Te sorprenderás al conocer datos intrigantes sobre su origen suizo, su imponente apariencia y su temperamento cariñoso.

En este video, exploraremos las características físicas distintivas del Bernese de la Montaña, desde su pelaje abundante y tricolor hasta su robusta constitución. Descubrirás por qué son conocidos como perros de trabajo y cómo han sido una parte valiosa de la vida rural en Suiza durante siglos.

Además, te contaremos sobre su personalidad afable y su amor por la familia, lo que los convierte en excelentes compañeros para hogares activos. Aprenderás por qué son tan populares en todo el mundo y por qué son amados por aquellos que tienen el privilegio de convivir con ellos.

Prepárate para quedar maravillado con imágenes impresionantes de estos hermosos perros y conmovedoras historias que resaltan su papel como compañeros leales y amigables.

No te pierdas esta oportunidad de conocer más sobre la raza Bernese de la Montaña. ¡Suscríbete a nuestro canal, activa las notificaciones y únete a la comunidad de amantes de los animales en Mascooriente! ¡Descubre las 5 curiosidades fascinantes de los Bernese de la Montaña!

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How about a more ordinary family? Today I am going to give you 5 curiosities about the Vernet de la Montagne or the Bernese Mountain Dog. Welcome [Music] The first curiosity is that it is a dog of Swiss origin, more precisely in the area of ​​the

Canton of Bern. Currently its capital and it is a farm dog if it was used to take care of the farms or farms and also for grazing some farmers also used them to pull their own cars from the farm and made them carry things like hay or material Well, work

To carry it From one side of the farm to the other, the second curiosity is that this dog is widely used for search and rescue because it has a great affinity for protectionism. These dogs, in addition to being used for search and rescue, are also used as

Help dogs. So it is very common seeing this type of breed used as guide dogs the third curiosity is that this breed, due to its origin being a farmer, needs a good space to live. It should be noted that it can also be attached to smaller spaces because

Current houses are obviously smaller than of antiquity but we must bear in mind that we have to have the time to be able to exercise it, we are talking about about an hour

A day and the walks simply to take it out to relieve itself do not count, it has to be an exercise where we are going to play with them run with them we can even take them to

Puddles or rivers because they also like water a lot before continuing I want to invite you to subscribe and click the bell so you don’t miss out on any of this content even up here I’ll Let’s leave the playlist so you can watch all

The videos that we are making about the five main curiosities of each breed. The fourth curiosity is that these dogs were used as nanny dogs, even today in the European area there are still families that train this type of breeds to

Take care of their babies obviously not for a very long period but they do serve as support to be aware of the car or even to throw that car Obviously with the supervision of the parents these dogs are ideal for families because also despite that it

Has a very good affinity with children, they also have it with other pets, so it can live with other dogs and cats, which makes it an extremely familiar dog and the fifth thing is that you have to keep in mind that they are very large, very robust dogs, very morose Therefore,

They are going to consume too much food, and the ideal diet for this type of diet is that we not only provide them with concentrate but also help them with protein of animal origin so that their development is ideal and they can reach the height that is required and gain

All the muscle mass that must be provided in addition to this, they are too hairy dogs so you also have to keep in mind that you are going to have to brush it at least three times a

Week so that it does not catch a bad smell because remember that the bad smell of dogs is due to dead hair that remains encrusted or entangled rather throughout their fur. So the ideal is that we are brushing it at least three times a week so that it smells delicious all the time

And good family those they were the five main curiosities about the mountain vernet if you have any questions or concerns let me know below in the comment box and we will answer it as soon as possible Remember that more than pets are family [Music] [Applause] [ Music] [Applause]

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