





The final video of the year was shot on New Year’s Eve of 2020 amid the heart of the COVID-19 pandemic. It’s a video shot with gratitude for the joy and fun the Shiba Inu family brought, fulfilling the request of our lively elementary school daughter, and featuring the dogs running around freely while flying kites at Sato Farm’s field, with a view of the auspicious Mount Fuji.

On the global scale, it was a year that began with the onset of the COVID pandemic, followed by a major stock market crash, which then rebounded due to financial easing. The pandemic persisted into the new year, leaving everyone reflecting on what kind of year it had been.

At Sato Farm, the pandemic led to the cancellation of all agricultural volunteer programs from overseas, resulting in a labor crunch. Additionally, the farm faced increased workload due to the prevalence of bacterial wilt disease, surpassing the impacts of COVID. Challenges such as decreased yield, spring snowfall, prolonged rainfall, and intense heat disrupted farming efforts, making it a tough year.

Amidst the somber news, on July 20th, Momo gave birth for the first time. Despite it being a busy period, she managed almost all of the child-rearing by herself.

For videos related to these events, you can visit the link below. From the three puppies, the remaining one, the white Shiba known as ‘Yuki’ or Snow Masaru, has already experienced climbing Mount Yamana, surpassing the mother in size.

Yet, in behavior, he remains innocent and childlike. This video captures the stroll of this human and Shiba Inu family.

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ああってます [音楽] よ [音楽] ンタンうおまた来 たはいみんな揃ったかなお正月お 正月今日お晦やけどね明日お 正月めでたい ね今年はどんな年でした かうんうんね ねどんな年てだねお 出き ぱしきた そうだねじゃももあなたにとって今年は どんな年でしたかワワワ [音楽] ワワワワゆきおいであなたも一言聞かして ちょ おはい一言は今年はどんな年でしたか 生まれてよかったねあなた無事でねあなた 死にかけてたんやで知っ てる知ってるよ知ってるよワワ知ってると ワワワワ来年もみんなで仲良くいろんな ところ行こうなうん次パパやっていいよ はい

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