BRB, upgrading our hair routines to be like this! 🎀🐾

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You want to go fix your hair come on I’m hyoni and my dog Milo loves getting his hair done so today I’m going to show you how I style it first thing in the morning Milo follows me instantly wigging his tail and jumping up on the counter to keep my Little’s hair really

Luscious I first wash it and I also use coconut oil to make it shiny then I style his hair I’ve done dutch braids french braids bubble braids Dragon braids and even curls and sometimes I’ll add little bowls or clips for the Perfect Touch a lot of times he’ll fall

Asleep because he’s so relaxed you can tell he really enjoys it when I first got Milo I noticed that he had naturally long hair he wakes up with the craziest bad head so one day I just decided to do a hairstyle to keep it off his eyes for

Milo’s nighttime routine I’ll take out his hair do and give him a nice massage it’s so nice to spend quality moments like these with Milo every day


  1. Their connection is really sweet and Milo has a very kind, gentle soul. I had to put down my Milo in October of last year. Much like this Milo, my Milo was so sweet, kind, gentle, patient, even wise. He wasn't a cuddler but he had his own version of it. He would sit in front of you on his hind legs and put his front paws in your lap, patiently waiting for you to rub his paws. He would sit there like that pretty much as long as you let him. Call me biased but names are important and have deep meaning. Several cultures have used the name and it means something different between each. In Slavic, Milo means "beloved". I would say that fits perfectly for both dogs. Milo is greatly missed but I cherish all the time I had with him. Bad news comes in threes sometimes and a month following Milo being put down, days before Thanksgiving my wife said she was leaving me and she took our pound rescue, Max. In one months time, I lost my wife and best friend, the two dogs that meant the the world to me, and the fallout from my divorce caused my relationship with my mother and father to break down. I was on a very dark path with a shattered heart. But then I met Cleo at the end of March and it was love at first sight (check out some of her vIdeos!). I adopted her in short order and she brought light into my world again, light that had been all but extinguished. She is one month away from being one year old and she is my everything. She's my best friend, my snuggie buddy, my snack partner, and there is nothing in this world I wouldn't do for her. I would lay down my life in an instant to protect her. I take her with me most everywhere I go. She just adores everyone and it's impossible to meet her and not feel her infectious playfulness and joyful soul. Almost all the employees at Home Depot know her and they always look forward to seeing her and giving her all the treats. She even got the nickname "The Depot Dog" and it's so sweet. I've been taking her since she was just ten pounds and a few months old, so they've seen her grow up and grow up fast she did. She's like a mini horse now and is over 70 pounds. Her best park buddy is a Boston Terrier named Diesel, and even though Cleo towers over him, Diesel has as much quit as he does fear – none. They have so much fun together as they wrestle, tumble, dog-pile, and fight over a stick. Life isn't easy and I have challenges that I wouldn't wish on the worst person alive, but Cleo helps me get through it all. I thought I was adopting a rescue puppy, but it turns out Cleo was adopting a rescue human. I couldn't do it without her and she brings me so much joy in a desert of turmoil. If you want to see videos of Cleo I have some on my page. I try to share her love with everyone I can as it's impossible to have a heavy heart when she's around. If you're near Tampa, Florida we'd love to go to the park and meet you for a playdate 😊

  2. I thought it was one of the women vid showing how to do brades lol then bam dawgy. Not just a dawgy, a well groomed good boy dawgy. This is cool i love the bed head to lol😊

  3. I don’t think this is good because you can’t treat a animal like a real person 1st you can’t put pink bows in because he’s a boy. 2d if you want to put bows in his hair you can’t do that you have to cut his hair if it gets to long and it’s already to long

  4. Ain't no way there's people in the comments trying to force stereotypical gender roles onto a fucking dog 💀 yall need to get ya toxic masculinity in check

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