Important Considerations: Top 5 Reasons Why a Bernese Mountain Dog Might Not Suit Every Lifestyle. While this breed possesses remarkable qualities, understanding the potential drawbacks is essential. Dive into these reasons to make an informed decision, ensuring the Bernese Mountain Dog aligns perfectly with your lifestyle and needs.

Top five reasons why you shouldn’t get a Bernese mountain dog they shed a lot they can be very needy they don’t do well in hot and humid climates they are huge they have a shorter lifespan compared to other breeds


  1. One reason to get a Burnie's mountain dog. They're Huge and cuddle monsters. Yeah, I'm picking a fight. Top eye reasons you shouldn't get This cute Doggo

  2. Regarding shorter lifespan: there's four drivers: size, genetics, sterilization method, lifestyle /socioeconomic factors.

    – Larger dogs mature into adulthood slower, but then age more quickly then smaller dogs.
    – breeding practices has resulted in some breeds having higher rates of some deadly diseases
    – sterililzation method: there's two main ways to sterilize. Those that remove hormones (gonadectomy/castration/full spay/neuter) ans those that spare hormones (hormone sparing sterililzation, ovary sparring spay, tubal ligation, vastecomy) and is Similar in health to being intact (oss may reduce some issues). Removing hormones can reduce some diseases, but increase but others.. Which is better is… Debatable. There's a limited studies that account for …
    – socioeconomic factors: working dogs tend to have higher risks due to being outside more/etc, dogs in lower income households tend to more often be working dogs, have less vet care (and thus tend to more often intact, which makes studies around sterililzation methods have confounding bias issues)

    So, as large working dog, a shorter lifespan is expected alas.

  3. I have two berners. One is 2 and the other is 10. Even though she’s old, she still acts like a puppy. Yes, they shed but its not that bad. Most people also don’t own Bernie’s mountain dogs if they live in hot climates. So…I completely disagree with you. My dogs are awesome

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