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The dog is obsessed with the Butler’s boxer and he can’t find out why the dog is so obsessed with it. They asked the experts for the help and experts came up with THIS solution. Find out in the video!

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Oi, producer Got any spare undies? Ah smells noice Today’s thief doggo, Sarang, female And the informant with a mask on…? Informant’s wife: It’s embarrassing we can’t tell anyone I actually was against it being aired So this cute lil doggo is the undie thief…?

Informant’ wife: At first, she was just cute. She was a cute and lovely dog But her behaviors got us talking and it’s embarrassing This lovely Sarang began to steal undies Informant: I put my undies in front of the door for a bit to take a shower and

At first, I thought my wife was pranking me But I found my undies in Sarang’s house Since then, Sarang’s been bewitched by undies and roams around the house with undies in her mouth I’m sure it’s here discreet steps Informant: I don’t know about others’ but she’s definitely obsessed with my undies

She doesn’t care about others’ undies She’s only interested in the couple’s undies…! Sarang, what’s gotten into you? Informant’s wife: No, she won’t stop at anything The more we try to stop her the more she tries to bite, and actually, we got bitten recently

Since then, there’s been nothing we could do from our end So came, today’s trainer If you keep doing that the Boogeyman’s gonna get you He’s gonna go after the doggo that’s more goofy than children Strategy to startle Sarang with Boogeyman… Sarang shows interest As the boogeyman toy gets mad startled Boogeyman wins

Are you that gangsta Sarang we know..? Informant/ It worked! She hid over there forgetting about undies Daddy… it’s scary But she seemed to hesitate and Sarang takes the undies hung on the drying rack… Informant: Sarang, you took it again? I won’t gib it! Choi Young-Min, Vet: She’s highly dependent on her guardians

Fellas like Sarang get extremely lonely when their guardians are not there The thing that has the most scent of her guardians is their underwear Informant: It was me and Sarang at first As my wife came along and our family got bigger, it became worse Sarang had her guardian’s love for herself…

As the informant got married she must’ve felt left out and became obsessed with their undies.. TwT Choi Young-Min, Vet: When she felt lonely, she brought underwear and had a great reaction from her guardian She realized it was a great way of grabbing their attention Then… is there a way to correct Sarang’s behavior?

Jung Gwang-Il, Animal Behaviorist: If you take it by force, Sarang will show more obsession over it We call it eye contact training where you teach her what you want To let Sarang act voluntarily SO, prepared an assistant toy for the day As the guardian stares at the toy Sarang gets interested slowly…

Leaving the undie behind, she goes for the toy…! When she gets her undie taken… she’s okay Informant: I got goosebumps Undie-holic Sarang has changed by 180 degrees Sarang! Forget undies and walk on a bed of roses..♡


  1. Sarang is cute adorable looking dog
    and her strange obsession with the undergarments is very weird but who knows why dogs are like this though
    another really great episode Thank You Kritter Klub.💖🐶🐕🐕🐶💖

  2. Sarang necesitaba un poco mas de atencion por parte de su dueño, como en los tiempos en que estaban ellos dos solos. No importa que te cases, pero no dejes de compartir tiempo con ella, esa perrita siempre te sera leal. ❤🤗🇦🇷

  3. Love hearing Snoop Dogg. This is a cute doggo Sarang with lovable guardians.

    The underwear is mine hooman, Sarang.
    I need my underpants, hooman male

  4. ❤❤❤❤❤I LOVE KRITTER KLUB!!! The people love animals so much, they call consultants or trainers to help them solve the problems rather than giving up the pet. Awesome investigative work, deduction, and problem solving!!! Happy for you & doggy. I had a Pom rescue. Great little dogs!!❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

  5. The Southpark boys had the same problem season two, episode 17 " Gnomes"
    Underpants gnomes came in the middle of the night and stole the underpants of the boy known as "Tweek"

  6. Pobrecita Sarang solo quería la compañía y el amor de su dueño después de la llegada de la novia de su dueño. Pero bueno que se haya solucionado

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