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¡Bienvenidos a Mascooriente, el canal donde exploramos las fascinantes experiencias de convivir con mascotas excepcionales! En este video, te invitamos a descubrir “Cómo es Vivir con un Aussie” (Pastor Ovejero Australiano), una de las razas de perros más enérgicas e inteligentes del mundo.

Acompáñanos en este emocionante viaje mientras exploramos la vida cotidiana junto a un Aussie y descubrimos qué hace que esta raza sea tan especial.

En este video, te sumergirás en el mundo de la convivencia con un Pastor Ovejero Australiano. Conocerás sus características físicas distintivas, desde su hermoso pelaje hasta sus llamativos colores y expresivos ojos.

Descubrirás por qué los Aussies son conocidos por su inteligencia y capacidad para aprender rápidamente, lo que los convierte en compañeros de vida excepcionales. También explorarás su energía inagotable y cómo mantenerlos felices y saludables.

Te llevaremos a través de las actividades diarias que puedes disfrutar con tu Aussie, desde paseos al aire libre hasta juegos interactivos. Además, aprenderás sobre la importancia de brindarles estimulación mental y física.

Prepárate para enamorarte aún más de estos perros maravillosos mientras exploramos cómo es vivir con un Aussie. En Mascooriente, estamos aquí para ayudarte a comprender y disfrutar plenamente de la compañía de tu Pastor Ovejero Australiano.

No te pierdas este video lleno de consejos útiles y experiencias emocionantes. ¡Suscríbete a nuestro canal, activa las notificaciones y únete a la comunidad de amantes de los animales en Mascooriente! ¡Descubre la vida con un Aussie!

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How are you family I hope you are having an incredible day from here it is more common we continue showing you different types of breeds and what it is like to live with them so that you can choose in the best way that special breed that will accompany you and today

In particular we are going to have the second part of what it is like to live with an australian shepherd or an auxi as it is also known welcome Very good family as we told you at the beginning here we are with Michael How are you Michael Santi how are you doing great thanks to God, perhaps you have already seen it in a video that we were talking about your other little dog son, a Samoyed, a beautiful

Samoyed called Sam, I’m going to leave the video up here in case you are also suddenly interested in knowing what it is like to live with a Samoyed he is the right person

To tell you So this is the second part that we are going to talk about what it is like to live with an Australian Shepherd and from the hand of Michael we are also going to receive some questions so that

You do not only stay with the opinion of the first video but you have different points of view different arguments so that you make the best decision if your intention is to acquire this breed then let’s start with the basics Michael because an Australian sheepdog caught your attention

Santi well initially this breed I have been following for a long time Through social networks, it is a breed that, due to its hair colors, its personality is very striking, so I made the decision to acquire it since I know the mother who avoids is also part of

The most common family and also what a pity and we also have a video where we talk very Well, I’m going to leave it up here so you can go and get to know it, it’s really a bigger blue, it’s true, it’s super beautiful, so I fell in love with the personality

That it went with, the colors that it went with, that’s why I chose this one. puppy because it is exactly the same and for this decision I decided to acquire a puppy of this breed because even

In the litter we had they had also shocked him certain to eat traditional but in truth this lean bloomer is so beautiful Michael and a question that many people can ask what A shepherd of good anti can be so restless, it really is a breed with a lot of energy, you have to

Take into account at the moment of acquiring them that you must have the necessary time to calm them down this energy, take them out to exercise a good concentrate, fruits and others so that they have spectacular hair

But she does have a lot of energy and it takes a long time for the puppy not to hurt us and obviously for her to be calm in the place where she is living But then let’s start with what you said to spend that energy Santi helps in that you go out with

Well , both of them to play and they understand each other well. Yes, the two breeds are really very sociable, both the Samoyed and the Australian Shepherd. times a day between one or two hours and they are completely free to play and that’s how they get home and they are calmer

You also mentioned that you supplement their diet with some fruits and extra things Like what little things do you give them that suddenly someone who If you are watching this video, Santi can start applying it. Well, really, I give agility Gold to blue. I mix it on weekends with chicken and fruits

Like mangoes, carrots, and this helps the coat a lot and obviously helps the puppy not get tired to always eat the same thing excellent and since you said precisely about not eating the same thing I want to extend a very warm invitation to this playlist that you are going to see up here

Where my sister-in-law Daniela is presenting you with a lot of recipes first of all very healthy Today we are here is not also accompanying us And Estela, as you know, we breed on the farm and not in a cage, so that is why these appearances of these boys are completely

Natural in the videos and as if I were telling you a list where my sister-in-law is going to teach you a very particular recipe that It will be very useful for your pet’s diet, as does Michael, in part, Michael, another question since you said that you take time for them and between

1 and 2 hours how mandatory would it be because we know that it is a large breed at the moment How much is it four months old it is blue four months old regardless of the fact that it is still a puppy it has to

Have this break Why Because if it doesn’t have it you suddenly start generating problems or suddenly generate some traumas because since they are such an energetic hairline they tend to be running a lot and if we deprive them of this you can suddenly see some problem in the future Michael

Suddenly some recommendation that you want to give to a person who wants a sheepherder apart from acquiring it with us since we remind you that we are a completely legal kennel here in Colombia Santi Well, really the first recommendation that I make when

Buying an Australian sheepdog is time is not the same to have one small breed to have a large breed such as the Australian sheepdog since they take a long time to burn these energies that we are talking about so the essential thing I think is to have

Enough time for exercise for the recreation of the little animal and thus avoid that the puppy becomes aggressive or does a lot of damage in the place where it is living independently, where it lives, socialization with the master is always good. Not only have the pet in the house now, but also

Strengthen that friendship with the puppy so that the puppy always Feel like the company and as I tell you, take it out regardless if you have a farm, run, exercise. The health issue helps you a lot, as well as being your master, because you have the obligation to go out

And run more than these puppies demand and ask for space so initially what I recommend is to have the necessary time to dedicate it to them Michael and One last question to end this chapter, but not before inviting all of you who are glued to that screen

Consuming our content learning about everything we have for you We warmly invite you to belong to our community, not only watch the videos and help us, if possible, to subscribe and share this content. problem during these months of health

Properly no nothing Santi fortunately blue She is a very healthy dog ​​obviously also due to the whole process that I take her of food and exercise that helps a lot but it has been a breed that has come out in optimal health conditions and The best thing is that when you acquire an

Australian Shepherd or any breed that you acquire, whether it is a dog or a cat, here with us you will receive a full year of our virtual veterinary medical service where you will have two of our professionals solving all your doubts. and incidentally saving you a lot of money For

Not having to go to the vet harmlessly I’m going to leave you a video up here where I explain more in depth and with the help of my brother everything that this service contains And how you

Can get the most out of it and not being more Michael as our motto says more than

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