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Korat Cat VS. Russian Blue Cat.

What are the differences between these two cat breeds?

The smart and opinionated Korat is possessive of his people. He likes to stay close by and won’t desert them for visitors. He gives his heart to one or two people whose company he prefers, or with whom he spends the most time, but he’s certainly willing to accept affection from others as well. Be aware of this propensity before you get a Korat, just in case having a cat follow you around all the time would drive you crazy.

A Korat is not a loner. He does best with companionship, whether that is someone who works at home or another animal. There’s a reason, it seems, that traditionally they were always given in pairs. A Korat who is frequently left alone or ignored may develop behavior problems such as aggression or separation anxiety. That’s not to say that adult Korats can’t switch their affections. Cats placed in new homes quickly adapt and bond closely with their new family.

This is an energetic cat who enjoys learning tricks, playing fetch, and even walking on a leash. It’s easy to teach household rules to the Korat if you reward him with petting, a happy “Good cat” or a treat. If you have multiple cats, be sure you have plenty of toys to go around. The Korat did not learn to share in the kitty garden, and he can be stubborn about giving up toys or other objects that he views as his.

The Russian Blue has a reputation as a gentle, quiet cat, somewhat shy, but don’t get the wrong idea. This cat may have a reserved nature, but he loves to play and enjoys jumping or climbing to high places, where he can study people and situations at his leisure before making up his mind about whether he wants to get involved. Guests will not receive his immediate attention and may never see him unless he decides they are worthy of his notice, but toward family members, especially his favored person, he is ever loyal, following them through the house and even riding on a shoulder.

The Russian Blue is a sensitive cat who doesn’t like to be ignored and will be hurt if he doesn’t receive the same amount of affection he gives. Lack of attention can cause him to become anxious or fearful. While the Russian Blue loves your company, he is capable of entertaining himself during the day while you are at work. Unlike some active, intelligent breeds, he is not destructive but moves through the house with the lithe grace of a Russian ballerina.

He has a strong sense of self-worth and doesn’t like being made fun of. This is a cat who does best in a quiet, stable environment. He doesn’t like change, and it’s especially important to him that meals arrive on time. Count on him to be a faithful alarm clock in the morning, not so you don’t miss work but so he doesn’t miss a meal. If you take the time to develop a relationship with a Russian Blue, your reward will be a deep bond with this loving cat.

Both pedigreed cats and mixed-breed cats have varying incidences of health problems that may be genetic in nature. Korats are generally healthy, but they have a couple of issues buyers should be aware of: a genetic neuromuscular degenerative disease as well as low body fat, which can make them sensitive to anesthesia.

GM1 and GM2 gangliosidosis occur when cats lack particular enzymes that are necessary for the proper functioning of the nervous system.

Korats typically have a low percentage of body fat, so veterinarians should take this into account when determining how much and what type of anesthesia to given when a Korat is undergoing any type of surgery.

Be sure to ask a breeder about the incidence of health problems in her lines and what testing has been done for any that are genetic in nature. In the case of GM1 or GM2, both parents should have been tested, and if one is positive or a carrier, the kittens should be tested as well.

The Russian Blue is generally healthy, however. An owner’s main concern will probably be this cat’s hearty Russian appetite, which can turn him from sleek to stout in no time.


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  1. Wow, I had no idea that Russian blues weighed so much.
    My baby is either a gray mutt, or more likely a korat without papers because I adopted her from the pound.

  2. i have a korat named artyom and russian blue named lucas, is it ok to let these two cats together? or not im scared a fight would break out i have this two since 2018 and they are always suspicious when im cooking i always hear a loud meowing like a debate what should i do mister?

  3. Now I can't tell if my girl is a Korat or Russian blue 🤔 I've always thought she was a Russian blue. check her Instagram @stevietherussianblue

  4. From the behavior and picturesI think my cat is a Russian Blue, because he will literally walk past me to get to his favorite person, the first person who fed him since he came to us, even if I’m giving him a full body rub😂

  5. My cat has the russian blue qualities, he's loud, and very sweet, he's definitely a mix but he probably has more russian blue

  6. When you plagiarize your entire video from other websites. This is WORD for WORD of a website I just read

  7. Plz don't buy a cat. A Russian blue had kittens in our shed and we kept her because she didn't have a home. You can find wonderful cats at shelters. I wouldn't take a million $ for my "pretty momma".

  8. Most of the commentary of this vid is simply from google. I did some research on my cat which is a Korat Cat, and this guy is spouting google facts verbatim. Word for word. Not sure if there's any copyright but you get a dislike for being lazy. I was looking for new info and you gave me google facts as they are. Does YouTube have a plagiarism policy?

  9. I have a Korat cat. Apparently, someone in my apartment complex moved and left her behind. I fed her a few times and she decided to make my apartment her new home. She is usually very quiet, but if she wants something she becomes very vocal. She is affectionate and likes to jump up on my bed and be petted. And she purrs loudly.

  10. My korat is a dog that purr’s and meows…loyal to a fault , kitty IQ would be 140+ squirrel like problem solvers. An amazing breed. She will be my last cat and I couldn’t ask for a better companion.

  11. Hello, i just wanted to know : a russian blue could stay alone at home when we go to work ? Or they don t like to be alone ?

  12. I actually believe that Russian blue cats are originated from Korat cat because King Chulalongkorn of Siam was a good friend to czar Nicholas I of Russia and their royal families had close friendships. Both cats have short hairs which are unlikely belonging to a cold country. Moreover the Russian blues became world-widely known just lately after czar Nicholas I's reign.

  13. Not sure if I have a korat or Russian blue. Hard to tell with a kitten. He acts like a kitten. Actually both he and my tabby have crazy similiar personalities. Both are avoiding each other, but not fighting.

  14. The advice on grooming the Russian Blue is all the things I normally do for any of the cats I've had, regardless of breed. It's simply good cat maintenance.

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