The Scottish Terrier affectionately known as the Scotty is a small dignified breed celebrated for its distinctive appearance and spirit in nature Standing around 10 to 11 inches at the shoulder Scotty’s have a compact sturdy build highlighted by their signature short legs and erect ears And let’s not forget that spectacular beard The Scotty’s expression exudes confidence and determination with dark almond-shaped eyes that reflect their alert and intelligent nature Scotty’s possess a ground-hugging stance that adds to their unique charm Originally bred in Scotland not surprisingly for hunting small game their short legs were advantageous for navigating rugged terrain and pursuing quarry into

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Scottish Terrier effectually known as the Scotty is a small dignified breed celebrated for its distinctive appearance and spirit in nature standing around 10 to 11 Ines at the shoulder Scotties have a compact sturdy build highlighted by their signature short legs and erect ears and let’s not forget that spectacular beard the Scotty’s

Expression exudes confidence and determination with dark almond-shaped eyes that reflect their alert and int ENT nature Scotties possess a ground hugging stance that adds to their unique charm originally bred in Scotland not surprisingly for hunting small game their short legs were advantageous for navigating rugged terrain and pursuing Quarry into Burrows

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