I never knew that snowshoeing with your dog could be so much fun!

However, there are some important things to consider in order to be properly prepared to snowshoe with your dog.

Here’s just a few!

1. Check Avalanche Reports.
Avalanches are no joke, and can be an extreme danger. Check reports online to make sure conditions are safe before venturing into the mountains.

2. Use a Harness, Not a Collar
Tobi gets so excited and loves to pull in the snow, and having a harness gives him more power efficiency and less strain on his neck. Be sure to keep tags on though!

3. Apply Musher’s Secret.
Protecting your pup’s paws is a must! This ointment helps prevent paws from drying out and cracking.

4. Use Goggles.
Dog goggles help protect their eyes from the brightness of the snow. They’re basically like the sunglasses that we wear!

5. Bring Extra Water
It may not be summer, but you and your pup can still easily get dehydrated when snowshoeing. Pack more than you think you need, and bring a bowl for your dog.

6. Pack Emergency Supplies
It’s also good to keep bandages, Neosporin, gauze, etc. with you in case of injury. We’ve even seen emergency slings you can use to carry your dog, which we might invest in soon.

7. Tell People Your Plan
Let a few close friends/family know where you’re going, when you’ll be out, when you expect to return, and who to contact in case of emergency.

8. Prepare to be Offline
You will easily lose service in the wild, so screenshot any important data, maps, trail info, etc.

9. Don’t Rely on Your Phone
The cold can quickly and easily kill a battery. Bring a physical map, flashlight, headlamp, etc if you can!

10. Enjoy the Winter Wonderland.
You’ve made it out there, now soak it in and enjoy this special time with your pup!

Please save and share this post with anyone who you think would enjoy snowshoeing with their dog. We want everyone to be prepared and enjoy this activity safely 😁

#husky #siberianhusky #snowshoeing

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