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🤓🤓 EDÚCATE PARA TU MASCOTA 👉👉 https://mascooriente.co/educate

¡Amantes de los perros, este video es una oda al sueño canino! En este episodio especial de Mascooriente, exploraremos uno de los aspectos más adorables y misteriosos de la vida de nuestras mascotas: sus hábitos de sueño.

Acompáñanos mientras descubrimos cómo duermen nuestros fieles compañeros de cuatro patas. Desde las posiciones más curiosas hasta las razones detrás de sus movimientos mientras sueñan, este video te llevará a un mundo fascinante.

¿Tu perro se acurruca como un bulto mullido, o tal vez prefiere estirarse como una estrella? ¿Ronca suavemente o emite pequeños ladridos en sueños? Juntos, exploraremos estas y otras preguntas que todos los amantes de los perros han tenido.

Este video está diseñado para todos, desde los dueños de perros que quieren entender mejor a sus compañeros peludos hasta aquellos que simplemente disfrutan de los momentos tiernos de los caninos. Después de ver este video, seguramente tendrás una apreciación aún más profunda por la vida de sueño de tu perro.

¡No olvides darle “Me gusta” si disfrutas de este contenido y suscribirte para más curiosidades sobre el mundo de las mascotas en el canal de Mascooriente! Prepárate para un viaje a través de los sueños caninos y descubre por qué son tan especiales en este emocionante video.

Gracias por ser parte de nuestra comunidad, donde celebramos el amor por todas las razas caninas. ¡Hasta la próxima!”

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Welcome family We continue here in masc current giving you many curious facts and today we are going to touch on a very particular topic that generates a lot of intrigue How our dog sleeps did you know that depending on the way they sleep they express certain things

Stay until the end of this video I am going to tell you several ways of how our pets sleep and what they symbolize [Music] welcome [Music] the first is the best known and for me one of the most tender, which is in the shape of a ball or in the shape

Of a roll as is also known. He tells her and that’s when our pets curl up themselves and more than anything it’s to conserve their body heat, suddenly it’s getting a little cold out there

And they need to keep their tummy warm, which is the part that doesn’t have fur and this is where colder gives them one of the suggestions is that if you see your mascotic in this position do not hesitate to

Give him an extra blanket or blanket to wrap him well all around him and something important is not to cover his entire face so that his ear or Their trunk is free and they can breathe. Not that heat,

That hot air that is generated under the covers, and even more so because they are much hairier than us. The second style of sleeping that I am going to talk to you about today is also known as the sleeping style.

Vacation and it is when our pet is in complete relaxation with his four legs up and all of his belly, all of his chest, the beautiful tummy he has is completely unprotected, this means that he is in incredible relaxation for that very reason. He is showing his most beautiful parts.

Vulnerable and it also means that he is in complete harmony in his environment that you as a master among his family are not feeling any fear or possibility of being attacked and that is why he can fall asleep at ease as my mother tells him with his legs up. and this

Can also cause, since they are backwards, that they generate some snoring, some pets generate snoring in any way, in this case the French bulldog, I am going to leave you a video

Up here where you can go and learn more about this beautiful breed and on the other hand there are other breeds with normal ocico, such as the German shepherd, the Border coli, which, being in a different position

Than normal, can generate snoring. It does not mean that they will always do it, but if they do, you will not be afraid. worry It’s something that can happen and it’s not something you can get upset about. The third way our pets sleep is also known as the Superman way and it’s

When their front legs go forward, their back legs go backwards and everything. Their chest and belly are exposed to the ground, this can mean that they still have a lot of energy, that is, it is a short nap since they still have too much to run, too much to

Play with their siblings and too much to explore, so don’t be surprised if the naps they take Take your dog in this position, they are short since what they do is recharge a little bit of that crazy energy they have inside to continue playing and continue enjoying their

Dog life as they do in these homes which we receive with open arms. We have called the fourth sleeping style that we can find in our pets the lazy style and it is when our pet is something very similar to the vacation style with the variation

That in this sleeping style our pet will not be completely upright. But there is going to be a little bit of movement in your body, why do we call it lazy because it is similar to when we are just getting up and we simply twist, we stretch

And we do that little bit of laziness to continue sleeping, the same way they do it and how It is also similar to the style of vacation when they are like this in this style of laziness they show you

Their complete trust their complete love because as I said at the beginning of the video it is when they are as vulnerable as possible and they show that they trust 100% in their environment and

His family So when you see him like this, just scratch his tummy Try not to move him too much because he is having wonderful dreams and there is a curious fact It is presumed or thought that puppies

Dream about their bodies, that is, if you have a pet, as is the case with the most families current with which you provide him with an excellent diet game recreation fun this puppy Or this kitten will always dream about that he will dream about eating something super delicious

He may be playing with his dog or cat brothers he may be on a walk in a river like He is one of our pets who is so fascinated by water or others. So love him as long as

You see him sleeping, let him rest, he is dreaming of you and how happy he is in your family. I am going to tell you the Fifth Way only if you go to our channel. You subscribe to this wonderful

Channel and hit the bell so that you receive all the notifications and do not miss any of this content that we do with great love. And also if you like it. If you see that these videos are useful or can help you. serve a family member, a friend, do not hesitate to share

So that we continue reaching more people and many more countries and continuing then the fifth way or the fifth position in which our pets sleep, we have called it the shell position and it is when the Waist is to one side and they normally sleep on

Their own legs. This type of sleeping is also very characteristic of French bulldogs since they have such a large head and such a small neck that they fit perfectly inside their two front legs. Highlight that it is not only the French that

Can sleep like this, there is a great variety of breeds which allows them to sleep like this, but small breeds are the ones that are most predominant for this since their short legs fit perfectly. to accommodate his beautiful head And finally we are going to go to the sixth reason without

You telling us in the comments How does your dog sleep in way one or two Maybe it is this five or maybe it is way six let’s find out and stay until the end

Because I have a surprise for you last so that you can educate yourself not only on how your dog sleeps but also on a lot of ways you can do it and the sixth and last position is the side position that we call spoon for example when when your mascot is

Looking for you that side is asking you for affection So take advantage of it hug him mount his leg bite his ear and stay asleep for a while feel his heart that will always be beating for you and enjoy all the moments that we They can give away our pets so that by

Staying relaxed, playing even with our pets, we generate something in the brain that improves both our mental health and our physical health. I’m going to leave you here a little video of some videos that we have with our psychologist Paula in where she is going to

Tell you in person what I am talking about and finally, as I told you right now, we want to make the warmest invitation to you not only to stay with what we tell you,

Here I am going to leave you this page mascooriente co educate yourself so that you can go and find out about all the online courses that we have for you and the best with a 50% discount so that you can take advantage of all

This endless knowledge at the best price and obviously with the best support from the most current ones like these beings already We have said them hundreds of times and we are going to continue telling them

Hundreds of times more than that pets are family and as such we must love and respect them until [Music] [Applause] [Music] soon

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