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형규쌤~ 도와주세요!ㅜㅜ

#집에서함께애니멀봐 #뽀건소 #고양이 #cat #이식증 #동물병원 #수의사
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[Credit Music♪]

🎵Music provided by 브금대통령
🎵Track : 복세편살 – https://youtu.be/1Qwrf0m1u9c
🎵Track : Kindergarten – https://youtu.be/JZLFo2qu-Ag
🎵Track : 어리둥절해 – https://youtu.be/5cgMAYRky5A
🎵Track : Retro Winter – https://youtu.be/OTYE0F81rVo
🎵Track : 바보브금 – https://youtu.be/-_Vc-fl4TX8
🎵Track : Simple – https://youtu.be/RFDuzbSoU6Q
🎵Track : 어느새 가을 – https://youtu.be/vAFePhF2IGk
🎵Track : 쳇바퀴 인생 – https://youtu.be/jpo3kYQpTZs​
🎵Track : Happy Funny Year – https://youtu.be/h7p-E1ZMZ6I
🎵Track : 동물농장 3 – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WvAiFIJup8s&t=29s
🎵Track : 아무것도 하기 싫다 3 – https://youtu.be/UcKmfEWUrec
🎵Track : 능구렁이 남편 – https://youtu.be/ends4k6pyZM
🎵Track : 인생 뭐 있냐 – https://youtu.be/EJR1MutUW9o

For you and /your pet’s happy life! We’re here to help you! Pet healthcare service,/ Dr. Paw! You tried dog food and pet mist Q. What did people say about that? When I tried the cheese snack,/ people said that’s fair enough But when I tried the mist… People say my job isn’t easy

Dr Paw shooting/= Gyu teasing day LOL I’m not laughing inside Today’s patient! Gorae (2yo, male) Isn’t he dolly? his eyes../they’re so beautiful …/sorry?? What are you saying..? That he has pretty eyes… It’s already/ episode 8 And…/still… It ain’t easy… It’s crisis, Hyung-gyu I can’t tell what the problem is/ in this picture

His skin condition seems fine.. But…!/ Gorae got a surgery?! It must be serious/ seeing that it required surgery I wonder why he needed to get the surgery What happened to Gorae..? Today’s story Hello. I’m a butler of 3 cats I rescued a mother cat and two kittens last May

Gorae, the kitten, is the reason why I’ve contacted you Gorae has a habit of eating strange things Pet cam footage He’s bringing something Seems like a wrapper Where did he find it? He chews then eats I see his mouth moving

From the beginning, Gorae used to chew a rubber mat and throw up pieces I didn’t know it’d become this serious August 2023, Gorae kept throwing up even after not eating for 2 days The vet said that he’d eaten a rubber mat piece But it’s so big!

The pieces must’ve been found in his small intestine… Shocked It must’ve been hard to swallow When cats gulp, they keeps gulping Cats have a habit of swollowing things He had to get surgery/ to remove the pieces he swallowed They removed the mat and have been checking if the mat would rise again

Gorae finds what he wants, even in the trash bin Not food, but a tissue paper, wrapper, hair, etc. Today as well, he threw up while sleeping and spew rubber pieces and a wrapper I have to keep an eye on him 24/7 I’ve a butler with 10 years of experience

But I still can’t understand Gorae’s behavior Why is Gorae doing this? He seems to be repeating eating strange stuff Gorae’s symptom /is parorexia Parorexia: Medical condition of eating peculiar things that are not food ※Swallow warning※ Strange things/ ->cause entrerocleisis or intussusception When it stays in the stomach

The veins around it nectorizes as they can’t circulate Due to necrosis,/ might need to resect bowl Q. Cause of Perorexia? 1. Genetic Birman or Siamese are more likely to show those symptoms when they are under stress 2. stress If they are under stress in the house parorexia might occur to relieve the stress

I see 3. Boredom Behaviors that started to entertain themselves develop into parorexia sometimes 4. Nutrient imbalance Or when they lack certain type of nutrient they show these symptoms First thing to check Gorae’s food! Gorae eats chicken-based food IT has hydrolyed protein and minerals and vitamins So it’s not a nutrient problem!

I think for Gorae it must’ve started to entertain himself while his butler is gone Bring the solution Solution Gyu 2. Clear the surrouding Rubber mat,/ toy,/ vinyl, etc./ anything Gorae can swallow must be gone! Gorae digs up the trash bin, too Should they remove the bin, too?

They could change it with an iron bin? …/ An iron bin? Metal bin…! Makes one mistake and he’s mocked… Joo doesn’t let it slide Remove the things taht he might swallow You can’t remove a trash bin, though change it into a metal bin! That was a great solution was it okay? / Yes it was great Should we move on? 2./ Playtime

Switch his attention to various toys! Sparkly eyes activate Realistic cat acting The guardian can use toys like this Warning! Some toys have a long string What if Gorae swallows the string? It can happen The guardian must keep an eye on him! 3. Medicine With pheromone product or Zylkene Calms the cat! Synthetic pheromones calm cats

Cats can feel calm in the house/ with the help of synthetic pheromones TEST TIME Ugh This smells like antiseptic… You clean the surroundings with it? Bed. blanket, cat tower, etc. / Rub the pheromone so he can feel calm! Then cats will feel… Ta-da…☆ Is that so…?!

We’ll clean the set/ so Gyu can relax… What are you..?/ Oh, here? I’m not laughing inside 2… Gyu introduced some food solutions today If Gorae gets better with the solutions and can send us the update later, that’d be great That’d be great Gorae should get a proper cosultation from a vet

And try various ways We hope Gorae eats only the delicious food! Gorae, /stay healthy!


  1. 이사하면서 펠리웨이 전기로 꽂아서 사용하는 제품 덕분에 주인님이 안정 찾는데 도움 됐어요~

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