(English subtitles are available for this video.)

This is a video of Toma, an estimated 7-year-old rescued border collie boy who was adopted from the shelter, his first visit to a shrine where a dog (wolf) is enshrined.


気ままにトーマ ~Toma, the perfect silly dog (rescued border collie)
Don’t worry about our fortune! (First shrine visit)

Music : Roa – Night is Young
Watch : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q6gdbXCxugM&t=0s
Stream / Download : https://hypeddit.com/roamusic/nightis…
License : https://roa-music.com



Toma went to a shrine where a dog (wolf) is enshrined for the first time this year. He took the cable car for the first time. We climbed up many steep hills and stairs from the cable car station to get to the shrine.

Toma greeted the New Year with other dogs who had come to visit the shrine for the first time. We were out of breath and we took a break along the way. We reached the shrine and prayed for Toma’s and our health for this year.

We picked a fortune-telling slip for Toma, and that the other dog had picked “good luck”. To our surprise, it was “bad luck”. We thought it was because Toma’s mom had picked it, so his dad picked it again. Again, it was “bad luck”.

To protect Toma from bad luck, we bought a good luck charm. We also wrote a prayer for good luck on an ema (votive tablet). After visiting the shrine, we had lunch at a dog-friendly souvenir shop. We had Japanese soba noodles with lots of wild vegetables.

Toma even got a gift from the shop as a treat. We wish you a happy new year.


  1. 🎍明けましておめでとうございま🎍

    階段を登ってフ―ッ 私は登れないです。

    帰りも階段を うわわ~💖


  2. Happy New Year! The cable car, shrine, shops all looks very nice. Glad you had a good time in the mountains. Thanks for sharing your experience with us.

  3. こんばんは。天気も眺めも良くて楽しい初詣になりましたね。トーマちゃんとご家族様にとって良い年になりますように😊

  4. ワンコOKの神社って貴重ですね!!

  5. Like 10
    Have a great and healthy 2024 Toma and family 🎉🍀🍀🍀
    Did you win the jackpot 🤩🍀🥰?
    😋😋😋 you deserved the treat Toma Chan

  6. あけましておめでとうございます✨

  7. Toma was so brave in the cable car and so fit to walk all those stairs. The shrine is so beautiful. It is so nice they are dog friendly ❤

  8. What a lovely day trip! Toma and your parents are already fortunate and blessed 😁❤ So don't worry about the fortune telling. 😄💖🙏

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