Las mejores líneas de border collie estas siguiendo este link 👉👉


¡Amantes de los perros, prepárense para un viaje al mundo de la inteligencia canina y la energía sin fin! En este emocionante episodio de Mascooriente, exploraremos qué significa vivir con un Border Collie, una de las razas más inteligentes y activas que existen.

Los Border Collies son conocidos por su agudeza mental y su capacidad para aprender y realizar tareas asombrosas. En este video, te llevamos detrás de escena de la vida cotidiana con uno de estos maravillosos perros. Desde su entrenamiento y ejercicios hasta sus interacciones sociales, descubrirás cómo es compartir tu vida con un Border Collie.

Acompáñanos mientras exploramos la lealtad y la vivacidad de esta raza, pero también las responsabilidades y desafíos que conlleva. Aprenderás sobre su historial como perros de trabajo y por qué son tan queridos por aquellos que buscan un compañero inteligente y activo.

Este video es una fuente de inspiración para los dueños de Border Collies, aquellos interesados en la raza y todos los amantes de los perros. Descubre por qué estos perros son conocidos como “genios con patas” y cómo enriquecen la vida de sus dueños.

¡No olvides darle “Me gusta” si disfrutas de este contenido y suscribirte para más exploraciones de las razas caninas en el canal de Mascooriente! Prepárate para enamorarte de la inteligencia y la energía de los Border Collies en este emocionante video.

Gracias por ser parte de nuestra comunidad, donde celebramos el amor por todas las razas caninas. ¡Hasta la próxima!”

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Hello most current family, today my brother Santiago is going to tell you what the experience of living with a Border coli is like [Music] welcome Good family Welcome to this chapter today I am with kata How are you Cata very well and you are

Excellent thank God And we have this boy here visiting What is Merlin’s name Merlin well he is What breed Merlí is a smart Border coli and if you know the Border coli is one of the most

Intelligent breeds in the world we even have a special video about five curious things that You should know about this breed, you can see it up here Tasting And what motivated you, among the hundreds of breeds

That exist, to choose a Border coli as such? Well, Santi, I chose a Border coli because it goes very well with my personality. These dogs are very energetic. active, they are supremely intelligent, they are very energetic. So it consists of a good training of a good routine of a person

Who is quite energetic and above all who loves and loves animals a lot because they are very affectionate and very very loyal. I imagine these little dogs of well they become part of the family as our motto says yes or that Cata and within the choice you made let’s talk a little

About the color because also the Border coli along with the French bulldog are the breeds with the most varieties in colors there are then Merlin, what I see, is like a merley, he also has Tri. He is very

Pretty. That’s right, this beautiful one is a Blue merle. Tri is very beautiful and is the most exotic line in the Border. In fact, around here the tri is marked on his legs and he is super cute with blue eyes and

Also the eyes are something characteristic of them, they can even have the most common eyes like black or brown and go up to these blue eyes or even with hetero breeding. Well, you told us that it is a very energetic breed. What a day you have For example, exercises or games. Of course,

Well, Merlin requires not only physical activity but also mental activity, little games at home, tracking search activities, these precious ones from their origin, it is true that they are from England, they are always grazing. So they are always after animals or biting your heels

In fact since I was little I bit my heels horribly So that’s like his instinct also like at home and basically the routines are those exercise three times a day and I hope, as much as possible, you have a solid training routine in terms of running some swimming activity

And ready the little games at home and since you mentioned that he socializes with other pets how well he is doing super well Merl is a really friendly date clearly everything depends on the socialization and the way in which we responsibly approach him Others are smaller since they were little

But basically it is a very tender breed that is too friendly and suddenly how it does with another species and something in particular with cats is very very curious because of that herding instinct that it has at home so they are too curious about cats, there are even

Hundreds of myths between dogs and cats and up here I am going to leave you a whole playlist where you will find dozens of myths and from the most current we are going to tell you if

It is true or a lie kata Another question that is very common that we receive from families who write to us is how true or how false it is that it is a very easy breed to train

Simple tricks going to the bar or having him bring his food little things like these are very true in fact since When Merlin came home he was actually 45 days old and he never peed, let’s say at home, but rather at a tapas bar, then

When he could go out after the vaccination schedule, we taught him too easily to shake hands, to sit down, to turn around, in fact, right now he is teaching them We show some tricks that he performs great and One last question suddenly: How is Merlín’s diet? Do you complement him with soft diets

With some fruits and vegetables? Tell us because we are sure that you who are watching this video are super in love with Merlí or if it is not Merlí It’s from some other breed that you can get

Here with us in a more current way, boy, come on, I’ll take a good look at it. It’s very pretty. Of course, well, look at Merlin, we have a bad diet, right, in case you don’t know what’s good for us,

Noar, he’s Combined bones, soft meats, some fruits, eh, something, we also give them eh fruits Like carrots he loves watermelon mango practically all fruits He loves them a lot sometimes we also give them eh fish salmon Because it is important not only the care

Or the bar diet that we are giving him but also complement with those types of things to make him sop chick because this already makes their fur much prettier, it allows them not to fall out as much and it also helps them to complement their entire structure and development, so let’s understand that

A Border coli breed is a super complete breed and it is not a breed for everyone. world, as Kata didn’t already say, she has already had the experience of being with Merlín. How old is Merlí? He’s going to turn two in October. Ah, even though he’s still a child. You’ve already experienced many

Things with him. Let’s tell the family. who is seeing us how harmful it has been that he has suddenly done some damage to you I was hiding bagged socks flip flops what’s me Well actually they are a little active right So as I mentioned before socialization is going to be very important

And also the education of early age super easy and we also have to be rigorous in education so as not to accustom them or make them adopt habits that are harmful but for example Merlin never did us any harm, suddenly some other nuance or something but never with real estate or

Something like that, no F muos then super judicious all this is also due to the education that you gave them because obviously they are not born learned they learn very easily but they are not born learned so before we say goodbye come let’s come in teach us some of the tricks that

Merlin knows how to do and we will give him an invitation and why not a 50% discount voucher on our Virtual Education package for pets then join us there and we will see some tricks of Merlin sitting up up very well jump

Sitting down turn down turn down turn very well sitting the little hand the other up sitting back back back back very good up back back Well family she was Cata he was Merlin Those were some of the tricks and the course that I was telling you is the second link

That you will find in the description of this video so you can learn how do all these tricks and many more because as our motto says, more than pets are family. See you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] soon i

1 Comment

  1. Sí tuviera que elegir una raza, sin duda sería esta. Por ahora solo pretendo adoptar, pero quizá algún día pueda cuidar a un Border Collie ❤

    P.D. Merlin es PRECIOSO 😍

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