duniya ke sabse Khatarnak kuta👿🐶 cancorso Pitbull #pitbull youtube video# viral# short# #rottweilerRottweilers are among the most popular dog breeds in the United States, and it’s no wonder why. They are amazing guard dogs, super smart and easy to train. These high-energy dogs are great for active and experienced pet parents looking for one dog to call their own. While they protect their home vigilantly, and take their jobs as police and guide dogs seriously, they can be loving goofballs around their humans. For the right family, a Rottweiler can be a fantastic buddy for life’s adventures.

Breed Snapshot
9 to 10 years



Blue Ribbon
The Rottweiler is an excellent choice for active and experienced pet parents without small children.

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Breed Care
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Rottweiler Traits

Breed Characteristics
Here are the qualities you can expect from raising a Rottweiler dog, on a scale of 1 paw (low) to 5 paws (high). These attributes were rated by several pet experts, including a dog trainer, veterinarian and behaviorist. Just remember that dogs are individuals, and not all dogs, even of the same breed, will fit the mold.


Exercise Needs

Health Issues

Barking Tendencies

Grooming Needs

Shedding Level

Training Needs

Good With Kids

Good With Cats

Good As A Service Dog

Good For Apartments & Small Homes

Biting Tendencies

Energy Level

Good With Other Dogs


Sensitive to Cold Weather

Sensitive to Warm Weather

Good For First Time Pet Parents

Breed Appearance
With a solid and stocky build, dark eyes and a coat to match, the Rottweiler’s guard dog heritage is unmistakable. They’re a medium to medium-large dog with a proportional head and a flat-top skull, almond-shaped eyes and triangular ears that hang naturally next to their cheeks. All Rottweilers have a black coat, but their markings come in three colors: rust, mahogany or tan. These markings are most notable on their eyebrows. You might’ve heard about the different types of Rottweilers: The Roman Rottweiler, the German Rottweiler and the American Rottweiler. These distinctions suggest differences in the dogs’ body compositions. But in reality, there aren’t different types of Rottweilers—there is only one standard, with the only variations being a tooth and a tail. Specifically, in the United States, the American Kennel Club (AKC) allows one tooth to be missing, while in Europe, under the International Canine Federation (FCI) standard, full dentition is required. In 1998, the EU, Great Britain, the Scandinavian countries, Australia and New Zealand all collectively put an end to the practices of cropping ears and docking tails. The U.S. has been slower in adopting these changes. In 2022, the American Rottweiler Club added a tail description, allowing Rottweilers with natural tails to be shown without penalty. The decision to leave your dog’s tail in its natural, undocked state is entirely up to you.

1. Ears
The Rottweiler’s ears are medium in size and triangular.
2. Eyes

दुनिया के सबसे खतरनाक कुत्ते नंबर फाइव डोगो अर्जेंटीनो दोस्तों ये कुत्ते इतने खतरनाक होते हैं अगर यह एक बार हमला कर दें तो उसे यह जान से मारे बिना नहीं छोड़ते लेकिन ये इंसानों को कभी भी हानि नहीं पहुंचाते नंबर फोर रोट बलर दोस्तों ये कुत्ते जितने अपने मालिक के वफादार

होते हैं उतने ही खतरनाक भी होते हैं अगर यह अपने आप पर आ जाएं तो इनका हमला एक शेर के बराबर होता है नंबर थ्री कैन कोर्सो दोस्तों ये कुत्ते दुनिया के सबसे खतरनाक कुत्तों में से एक है इनका गुस्सेल नेचर की वजह से इन्हें कई देशों में पालने पर

बैन लगा है ये कुत्ते को पालना काफी कठिन होता है नंबर टू पिटबुल टेरियर दोस्तों पिटबुल टेरियर जितने खतरनाक होते हैं उससे ज्यादा ये वफादार भी होते हैं ये कुत्ते अपने मालिक की परमिशन के बिना तस से मस नहीं होते चाहे आप इन्हें कितना भी लालच

क्यों ना दो नंबर वन गैंगल दोस्तों इन कुत्तों को घर में नहीं पाला जाता क्योंकि ये कुत्ते खतरनाक शिकारी होते हैं इन्हें लोग जानवरों की रखवाली करने के लिए पालते हैं वैसे दोस्तों आपने कौन सा डॉग पाला है कमेंट

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