Luca the CAT Attacks Sock
Could this be a magic wiggly twisty fuzzy worm toy, or a motivation maget, or maybe Luca the CAT is trying to learn how to get rid of centipedes, it’s entertaining to watch Luca the CAT attack a sock. Hope you agree that they are the funniest cat talking. And poor Rayla the CAT is sad. Let’s hope she gets more cat playtime in the next funny cat video. There’s nothing like a diy cat soft toy to keep your cat entertained for hours. Try this easy cat toy DIY today, but consider longer fuzzy socks. 🙂

Luca: I’ve got you now you chunky fuzzy worm.  I’ve got you right where I want you. You’ll   never escape from my clutches. (laugh) Rayla: Can I play with the sock too Luca?  Luca: What? No way, it’s mine. Go away  Rayla, find your own fuzzy worm. You can’t  

Get away from me that easy Rayla: No fair. You never   let me play with the good stuff. (Pout) Luca: (Thinking) Hmm. Did I take that too far?  Rayla: (still pouting) Luca: Nah, now where was I,   I’m going to get you, you maggot, you feetless  caterpillar, if it’s the last thing I d… 

Mom: Ouch! Luca: Oops, went too far, I’m outta here

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