



⚪︎名前 : ちー

⚪︎生年月日 : 2009年7月18日

⚪︎品種: ミックス(アメショ×オシキャット)

⚪︎性格 : 礼儀に厳しい美女

⚪︎名前 : エアロ

⚪︎生年月日 : 2014年3月3日

⚪︎品種: トイプードル

⚪︎性格 : 食いしん坊甘えん坊

⚪︎名前 : 大吉

⚪︎生年月日 : 2018年6月11日

⚪︎品種: マンチカン

⚪︎性格 : のんびり食いしん坊

⚪︎名前 : るい

⚪︎生年月日 : 2020年6月8日

⚪︎品種: アメリカンショートヘア

⚪︎性格 : やんちゃ食いしん坊

#猫 #Cat #節分 #dog #マンチカン#Munchkin #ねこ #犬 #大吉#Daikichi #家族

February 3rd is Setsubun! Setsubun is the event held to pray for our happy and healthy life. It is held on Feb 3th or 4th. On that day, we throw away beans with saying “Devils out! Happiness in!” This is called “Mame-maki” (Mame means beans, maki means throwing away.)

I prepared for Setsubun!I would like to enjoy Setsubun this year with my cute family! It’s a demon. Isn’t it scary? So what? I’ve lived 14 years, so I’m not afraid of demons! You did a great job, too! Ogres out, fortune in! Setsubun is the best, too!I’ll keep going! Ogres out, fortune in!

I think throwing snacks instead of beans is a good idea! Ogres out, fortune in! I’m going to eat a lot! What is this?It has nothing to do with Setsubun, right? I lost my Setsubun ogre hat for dogs and cats, so I asked them to wear a cute pig hat instead!

That’s the behavior of the owner! We’ll do more Setsubun! Ogres out, fortune in! Snack! Welcome to my stomach! It’s delicious! This is a demon!Is it Setsubun if there is an ogre here?Will I be able to defeat the ogre with my cat punch? ※ Daikichi suddenly started making bread, so check it out!

Ogres out, fortune in! Ogres out, fortune in! I found a snack! It’s good! Ogres out, fortune in! It’s a snack! What is this?Is Setsubun related to pigs? Ogres out, fortune in! Snack! Hurry up and throw the next one! Ogres out, fortune in! Snacks and Setsubun are the best!

Today is Setsubun, right?I know!Throw beans, right? Let’s do it quickly! Beans, come here! Hurry up and throw it! What’s this?The owner knows about Setsubun, right?I look good in any kind of hat! Ogres out, fortune in! It’s kind of good! Ogres out, fortune in!

It’s good! It’s good!Setsubun is the best! Snacks are delicious!This snack is mine!I won’t give it to anyone! Is Setsubun an event to defeat demons?Can’t I get along with demons? Yes, I beat the ogre!Am I the best? Throw the beans! Ogres out, fortune in!

It’s good! I’ll be waiting for you, so hurry up! Ogres out, fortune in! It’s good! It tastes good! Throw the beans quickly! Ogres out, fortune in! It’s my snack!It’s good! The snack was delicious!Setsubun is the best!What kind of February 3rd did you spend?Please tell us in the comments section! Thanks for watching!

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