

#freestitch #福袋 #luckybag
#チワワ #犬 #dog #chihuahua

Hello Today I received a call that my package had arrived. The intercom rang, so I picked it up. What I received was the lucky bag I ordered at the end of the year. The lucky bags from popular shops are in small quantities and sell out quickly.

The lucky bags I purchased this time are also that popular. This is one of the shops that I’ve been using it since I first bought it to welcome Giggle into the family. What is the popular shop that I have been patronizing since I was a child?

Giggle was surprised by the big box. The name of the shop is Free Stitch Giggle It’s a big box, but it’s not scary. I guess you’re getting used to it by now. There are a few tricks to purchasing free stitch lucky bags.

I purchase from the Free Stitch website, but the lucky bag page will be published from December 22nd to 25th. In particular, there is no guidance in e-mail newsletters, etc., so you can find it by searching. And it will be sold out in 2-3 days

In addition, if you include information such as allergies in addition to hair color and length when ordering, they will take this into consideration when choosing the item for you. Now, I’m curious about the contents. Trial pack of 10 thick toilet sheets Leather accessory case Grooming mittens Towel 26 x 85cm

There was something big inside. I opened it. Is it a mat that feels nice to the touch? Dog circle rug 157 x 80 cm It was a mat to be placed on the dog circle. Is it a wooden hanger SS size? Tanned Leather Woven Half Chalk Let’s put it on right away

By the way, the current collar is also made of free stitch It’s Cool Tanned Leather Collar This is a simple design It gets buried in the decorative hair around your neck. It is a simple design that is very free stitch-like.

It’s a design that looks good on both men and women, as it has for a long time. What’s next? Venison jerky and horsemeat jerky Spring Fresh Shampoo Spring-like cotton clothes The design is a little short. Mesh clothes with reflective tape. Try this too.

If it comes with reflective tape, it will be safe to walk in dimly lit evenings or at night. I love the moment this face appears Looks comfortable to wear Thank you licker Scottish Salmon Small Kibble Deodorizing and disinfecting spray for pet supplies All-round care spray for dogs Dish detergent for pets

Pet deodorizing water for walks purple sweet potato cookie dice Medisapuri Plus Pasty Snack eel spine short Thickly shaved tuna There are a lot of treats Organic Shampoo for Delicates Goat Milk Cookies Plain Herbal Care Cream ONE DAY LIFE WITH A DOG

“ONE DAY” is a web magazine that looks at life with dogs through the perspective of photographer Hideaki Hamada. It seems that he has published a book introducing various people, dogs, and their lifestyles. Giggle is also very interested. Treat pouch hump Convenient to wear on your waist when walking or training next,,,

Balcordy carry And… sheep boa carrier bedspread Bag insole and shoulder strap Giggle, let’s go in right away. SS size is perfect for Giggle. Actually, I’ve been using this Balcordy Carry for a long time. Every time I buy it, I can’t decide between size S or SS.

The one I’m currently using is size S. In comparison, the SS size is a little more compact. Looks good for a little girl to have 2024 Spring/Summer Catalog 2024 Calendar Giggle also wants to be a calendar model. These are the lucky bags for 2024. 32 points in total

Probably, but the total cost is around 116,000 yen. I paid 20,000 yen, so it was a lucky bag that was about 6 times the jackpot. And every year I get a lot like this. Although it will arrive late in mid-January, it is a recommended lucky bag. Thank you for reading until the end.


  1. わぁ〜こんなに良いものが32点も入ってこのお値段😃😺💕‼︎

  2. 凄く豪華な福袋ですね💕🤩ギーちゃん💛お膝の上にちょこんと乗ってメッチャ可愛い〜😍お洋服も可愛い〜🤗💕💛👍84✨先日は温かいコメントをありがとうございました🤗🌸🙏

  3. ぎーちゃんも一緒に開封を楽しんじゃいましたね💕

  4. ぎーちゃんねるさん
    膝の上にちょこんと座って可愛い~🩷( 〃▽〃)

  5. 凄いね。福袋に2万円、、、高いと思うけど、実際は約12万だから得した気分ですね。しっかし、福袋って言ってて、郵便取りに行ったら大っきな箱で帰ってきたから大爆笑しました😂😂😂😂

  6. So adorable dog 🥰😘🤗❤❤ Wow so many items in the bag 😮❤ so lucky 😊❤ thansk for sharing this video 😄🥰😘❤

  7. ぎーちゃん♪は可愛くて大人しいから、モデルにはピッタリなのではないですか?そうなったときには、ぜひ見てみたいです!😆お膝の上でお利口さんに開封動画、すごく協力的😉小さくて、やっぱりとても可愛らしいです🥰

  8. こんばんは。福袋は開けるのがワクワク楽しいですよね。どれもギーちゃんにお似合いで可愛いです😊

  9. こんにちは🎶

  10. おはようございます😃

  11. 福袋って買ったことが無かったので興味津々で視聴していたら、想像もしない大きさの箱が届いてビックリしました🐶🤭

  12. ギーCHさん、今晩は、大きな箱が届きましたね。

  13. フリーステッチの福袋は本当に豪華ですね🤩✨32点も入ってるんですね✍️✨そしてぎーちゃんのお膝の上でのチェックっぷりがまた凄く可愛かったです😻💕

  14. とってもボリューム満点な福袋ですね☺️しかもオシャレ💕

  15. 福袋大きいですね😊

  16. こんばんは😊大きなダンボールに、沢山のグッズが入っていて、とっても豪華な福袋ですね😆📦ぎーちゃん、お膝に座って、大人しく見てるのが、とっても可愛いかったです😍♥️❤️首輪やお洋服も、とってもお似合いでした😆おててをペロペロ、可愛い過ぎました🥰

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