Today we will discuss 13 things you should know before getting a Lykoi Cat and whether this cat breed is right for you. We will even learn about the breed from the owner themselves.

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So you are thinking about getting a Lykoi Cat,  and whether this cat breed is right for you. When you consider their friendly  personality and werewolf look,   it’s easy to fall in love with a Lykoi cat. I am the Cat Butler, and my Ragdoll Cats Teemo  

And Arya are usually the stars of the channel,  but today we will discuss the things you should   know before getting a Lykoi Cat. We will even learn about the breed   from the owner themselves. Everybody ready for Halloween,   I got your werewolf cat here. This is the Lykoi.

The name Lykoi comes from the Greek  word for wolf, “lycos” or “lycus,”   which is a fitting tribute to their unique looks. The most striking feature is their facial mask. A hairless mask that connects  the nose, muzzle, eyes, and ears,  

Giving it the appearance of a werewolf. This unique hairless appearance is a   natural mutation and comes in a roan  coat pattern, which is a mixture of   solid white and solid black hairs. Lykoi kittens are born solid black,   and in one to two weeks the  hairlessness and roan pattern emerges.

Their coat lacks an undercoat, and appears coarse,  but is actually very soft and silky to the touch. Lastly, with a lean body, a Lykoi cat will have  sparse hair on their legs and feet in most cases. So where did these cats come from? The Lykoi cat was first discovered in  

2010 by Patti Thomas in Virgina when she adopted  a cat with a natural mutation from a rescue. A second pair was then located in 2011 by  Johnny and Brittany Gobble in Tennessee. Johnny was a veterinarian and he made sure  that the unusual appearance was not caused  

By sickness or disease. To prove it was a gene,   Johnny Gobble bred two of the unrelated cats to  produce the first intentionally bred Lykoi. With time it was determined that the gene  was recessive and in order to reduce genetic  

Inbreeding, more outcrossing was done with black  domestic cats and Lykoi cats born to the feral cat   population to keep the breed healthy and strong. In terms of personality,   Lykoi cats are like dogs. Extremely loyal to their owners,   they are playful and affectionate,  and can be quite clingy at times.

So don’t be surprised if they try to snuggle  with you or want to sleep on your warm lap. Lykoi cats love human and animal  companionship so they will get along   with your kids and other pets. Though the Lykoi cat personality  

Is friendly and outgoing, it can be  reserved with strangers at first. I thought a Lykoi will be a little  bit more chill then the Cornish. Because the Cornish Rex is very high  energy, but he is just as curious into  

Everything as the Cornish Rex is, but  he is a total love bug and once Desiree   the breeder saw that I have been showing him  she offered me a female so now I have two. So Chicken Nugget is the blue and white. And then Cady is the black girl.

So Cady is actually short for Arcadia cuz  that was the name the breeder had given her. And then Chicken Nugget, because I  always thought that they look like   little fried kitties with their funny hairs. So his registered name is fried chicken.  

And so I just call him little chicky nugs. You know I think they are very outgoing. They are very friendly. They are very curious. So they want to be into everything. They want to do what you are doing.

They want to see what you are doing. They want to get on every surface. Cuz they are naturally very curious cats. At this time there are no known health   concerns specific to this breed. Special care has been taken since the  

Lykoi cat was established to avoid inbreeding  and to screen heavily for any genetic defects. The founder of the breed, Johnny Gobble worked  closely with geneticists from the University of   California, Davis and dermatologists  from University of Tennessee to rule   out breed related health conditions. In addition, reputable breeders frequently  

Screen adult cats for good health before  breeding them to reduce chances of passing   unwanted health issues to kittens. Therefore, routine veterinary care,   plus special care for the unique  hair coat, should be sufficient. If you enjoyed this video so far please consider  subscribing and hitting that notification bell.

We make videos on helping you  become the best cat owner. So please join us! Your cat will become your best friend   and having them live longer is a big plus. As a result of Johnny Gobble’s careful   breeding practices, the Lykoi cat breed  is generally considered a healthy breed,  

Living on average 12 – 15 years. Additional factors that contribute   to the lifespan of a Lykoi cat include  their environment, and nutrition. The breed is based on second chances. Most of the domestic cats used to make the   breed come from cats set to be euthanized  simply because they were different.

Shelters thought they looked diseased or sickly. In fact these cats are incredible,   healthy, and unique. But I also felt bad that because   he is so unique they were destroyed a  lot in feral colonies for many years.

Veterinarians would get these probably very  dirty and oily cats and they would run tests   that were all negative for the most part. Of course these are stories that you hear   throughout the years and they  would end up euthanizing them.  

So I want to teach people  that this is a real deal.   This is not man made. This is from feral colony,   the mutation and they are just awesome cats. If you don’t mind sharing your food with a cat  

They are really fun to have. Really fun to have.   Not a mean bone in their body. They are just a they are pretty neat.   He is a good kid. I love him a bunch yes.  

Aside from the inherited wolflike hair  coat, the Lykoi cat is genetically the   same as the common domestic house cat. The Lykoi cat is a medium sized breed that   typically weighs around 8 to 13 pounds, with  male cats often being bigger than female cats.

They are a medium built cat, with slightly  slender legs and a muscular body. Lykoi cats are not considered hypoallergenic. As the major allergen responsible for our   symptoms, Fel d 1, can be still found  on the skin and saliva of the cat.

They do produce less allergies than cats  with more hair like a Persian, as Lykoi   cats have less hair than a typical cat, This is because they lack an undercoat. So if your allergies are mild, you may  not be bothered by the Lykoi cat at all.

Despite their thin coat and lack of  an undercoat, Lykoi cats still shed. In fact, they are known to  molt their coat twice a year. Some Lykoi cats become completely bald  between molting and growing their coat back,   while others hardly molt at all. Coat varies in thickness and  

Hairlessness based on the individual cat  and the climate in which the cat lives. So to stay on top of the shedding or molting,  brush your Lykoi cat a few times a week to reduce   hairballs, matting, and fur around the house. You may also need to frequently bathe your  

Lykoi cat as they may accumulate oils  on the nails and inside the ears. This can be once a month, or every few  months and require a shampoo made for cats. If you need to learn how to bathe your cat I  will link the video in the description below.

I do a step by step guide and also do a  video on how to get the cats used to water. The lack of a protective undercoat leaves the  Lykoi’s skin exposed to environmental factors,   making them prone to sunburns. The pink skin of a Lykoi cat can  

Darken after some time in the sun, and they  can burn easily due to their sparse hair coat.   Therefore, it’s best not to let your Lykoi  cat outdoors for long periods of time.   If they must go out, a cat-safe  sunscreen is recommended.

The Lykoi is a very intelligent cat. They are great problem solvers   and it shows when they play. don’t be surprised if your little Lykoi   stalks and pounces when you round a corner. They like to be with people, but can find   satisfaction playing alone with  any toy or object in the room.

Lykoi sometimes appear to have dog-like attributes  because they will fetch, and hunt like a wolf. Getting two cats is always better than one. And it’s the same for Lykoi cats. Giving your Lykoi cat a buddy will   improve the lives of the cats while  also making your life easier.

They will have a playmate, learn from  each other, and learn how to behave   socially, such as no biting. So if your budget allows it,   I recommend getting two Lykoi cats. If you want to learn about all the  

Benefits of getting two cats, I will link  that video in the description below. Lykoi Cats are a rare breed  and hence can be expensive. If you are looking to find a Lykoi  kitten from a reputable breeder  

Expect to pay on average $2,400 and up. A purebred Lykoi Cat is not cheap and you   want to make sure you find a reputable breeder  that is registered with the TICA or CFA. This is to ensure you get a  healthy cat and not a sick one.

Prices are dependent on the type of color, with  non black roan kitties being more expensive. In addition, show quality kittens are also  more expensive than pet quality ones. I hope you enjoyed learning about the Lykoi  Cat, and that it helped you decide whether  

This cat breed is right for you. I will list a few reputable Lykoi   breeders in the description below. If you like to learn more about other   cat breeds you can check out the  playlist at the end of the video.

If you have a Lykoi cat, comment down  below what are your experiences like?


  1. such a cute breed, so glad to see so much care being taken by breeders to ensure their health. love that these beautiful babies came from rescues!

  2. Thank you for your videos! Your ping pong video helped me innovate ways to help my older ragdoll with arthritis. She's doing much better. I know this doesn't have anything to do with this video, but I wanted to contribute to the metrics!

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