If you own a Sealyham Terrier and want to ensure they always look their best, this video is for you! Discover grooming tips and techniques specifically tailored for Sealyham Terriers, from trimming their unique double-coat to maintaining the signature facial hair. With step-by-step instructions and expert advice, you’ll learn how to give your pup a fabulous grooming experience at home. Whether you’re a new owner or a seasoned dog parent, this ultimate grooming guide will help you keep your Sealyham Terrier looking stunning and healthy.

The breeds weather resistant double jacket and profuse leg and body Furnishings must be combed and brushed every two or 3 days as Seely coats tend to mat easily the coat does not shed but must be hand stripped or clipped on a regular basis pet Sealy H can be kept

Trimmed short with minimal Furnishings which makes their care easier bathing every 3 to 4 weeks is good idea for Seely hams in show coat washing at least the Furnishings frequently is a must the nails should be trimmed regularly and the eyes and ears should be checked during grooming sessions

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