2 requirements for wolf puppies/ wolfdogs!
These are the two most important things you need to do when getting a wolf puppy or high content wolfdog. You must introduce them to everything in the first 4 months of life, or they’ll fear it. You also need to spend at least 4 hours a day on socialization. Our schedule was 2 hours at the dog park, 1 hour with cats, and the last hour at dog friendly restaurants, pet stores, hardware stores, or walking down city streets. We started at 9 weeks old. Every day, no exceptions!

Watch Wolf Puppy and the Spooky hand:

Watch Wolf Puppy Adventures: Toilet Monster

Watch Bob the Talking Dog say “I Love You”


What are the top two things you’re going to want to do when getting a high content wolf dog or wolf puppy thing number one is you’ve got the first four months of their life to introduce them to everything and I mean everything you know you’re going to get them late

Summer or early summer late spring and you’re going to be wanting to walk around in the summertime with umbrellas coats on gloves on hats on heavy boots on um it’s just something that you have to do so they don’t freak out uh thing number two is 4 hours a day is

Socialization minimum um and by that I mean to what our schedule was two hours at the dog park an hour a day at cats and an hour a day doing one of four things and that’s either uh pet friendly uh dog friendly restaurants going to the

Pet store and oh you’re not going to cooperate walking down city streets or uh oh my Lord going to hardware stores


  1. This is also a good idea for regular dogs too. The more you introduce them to as puppies the better off they'll be 🙂 And don't forget to expose them to nail trimming.

  2. Idk if you've seen the channel #weavethecoyote – he needs some help with his young coyote. He plays roughly & Weave with bite him & his other animals – I think he doesn't know how to handle his coyote properly. He loves his animals, don't get me wrong. But it might get ugly when Weave is fully grown. ❤️🙏❤️
    God bless.

  3. I'm very curious, did she ever bite you very hard or got aggressive in general? She looks so well behaved and that she respects you

  4. Great video! You bet socialization will on be a daily basis with mine! I can't wait! Spring here I come!

    I still gotta find a pet friendly restaurant though! That sounds fun!!!

  5. I think you take really good care of your animals and you're very knowledgeable but I don't think it's a good idea to encourage people to get wolf dogs. Not everybody will take it as seriously as you and they can be very dangerous not only to the owner but to other people and pets.

  6. I'm just looking at where this critter is laying down, 😳 the table that would be a huge no, not quite high enough in order to be on the table, like you said start it when they are young.

  7. That sounds like things even dogowners should do, but of corse I understand more of everything is needed with wolfs.
    I just hope Bob doesn't feel set aside since Honey is so high in maintenance. It looks as she doesn't really understand when he tells her to let him be. I really hope he won't be stressed and maybe even insecure the last years in his life😢

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