Watch our full detailed comparison video of Australian Kelpie and Australian Cattle Dog here:

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The Australian Cattle Dog and Australian Kelpie share similar temperaments and personalities, and we’ll explore their main differences and similarities

History, purpose, temperament, and appearance of Australian Kelpie and Australian Cattle Dog are remarkably similar, with more similarities than differences. They are hardworking, lively, somewhat independent, highly alert, loyal, and incredibly intelligent.

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The difference in coat lies in coloration Australian cett dogs comes in either red or blue with mlet or Speck patterns hence their nicknames red and blue healers on the other hand Australian Kelpies come in wider variety of colors they can be single colored or have 10 markings colors range from black

Red chocolate blue phone and green and they can also have a black and 10 combination Kelpies are not modled or speckled it’s important to say that we are talking about standards the working lines particularly in Kelpies May exhibit variations in coat size or facial features compared to the typical

Standardized kelp as you can see these two breeds are quite similar but they are not identical


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