If you own a Petite Basset Griffon Venden, or are considering getting one, this video is a must-watch. Discover the ultimate guide to keeping your furry friend active and healthy. From exercise routines and mental stimulation tips to diet recommendations and grooming techniques, we cover it all.

Learn how to create a balanced schedule for your pet that includes both physical activities and mental challenges. We also provide valuable insights into common health issues that may affect your dog, as well as preventative measures you can take.

Whether you’re a new owner or have had your PBGV for years, this video is packed with practical advice and expert tips to ensure your furry companion’s happiness and well-being. Don’t miss out on giving your beloved dog the best life possible!

These dogs have a reputation for being hard to train they are very intelligent but they tend to have a mind of their own socialization and obedience training should begin early and will teach this type of dog to be a good companion and canine citizen the trainer must stay one

Step ahead in keeping his dog entertained and interested in what he is trying to teach it is not that this dog is not eager to please he is however his agenda just might be a bit different from your own and his will seem infinitely more interesting

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