In this video we will show Causes of cat diarrhea

In this channel, I would like to give you the best tips and information about pets, dogs🐕 and cats🐈 .through my long experiences with them… The method of submission will be in an easy, short, and non-boring way.
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Causes of cat diarrhea


Causes of cat diarrhea the sudden appearance of diarrhea may be an indication that your cat is exposed to one of the following problems one bacterial infection cats can become infected with a bacterial infection such as eoli or salmonella if they eat raw or undercooked meat two suffering from endocrine diseases or

Problems with metabolism three digestive system disorders it occurs as a result of poor digestion and a defect in absorb this problem is often linked to undigested fats and starches four change the cat’s diet or change one of the types of food that your cat eats five there are other causes such as

Colitis antibiotics and medications kidney and liver disease and psychological stress

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