Lexi the Samoyed wakes dad up very gently. She wants to go on a walk and she doesn’t like when dad sleeps in. Please visit my Facebook page, https://www.facebook.com/LexitheSamoyed


  1. My dog did that at first but she learned the best way to get my attention was to put her head between me and my phone. Its adorable as heck.

  2. Doggo: Yo bro, you said you`d take me out for a walk.
    Bro: Shifts head the other way.
    Doggo: Cmmon bro, this aint right we had an agreement.

  3. my son furry cat would do this every day for 8 years until he died. he was my alarm clock. still missing him. there is no other son like him. pets are so special.

  4. なぁ、ご主人起きろって、、、チューとか要らんねん(笑)。えーから散歩連れてけや!テ、テンキュー!?そりゃこっちもテンキューやけども(笑)、そんなんえぇから散ポ。みたいな声が聞こえて来る

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