Over the weekend, Corie participated in a citizen science project organized by the Montana Discovery Foundation. The project involved visiting Wild Ideas LLC’s forest carnivore bait station near Helena on the Continental Divide. Studying forest carnivores is challenging due to their elusive and secretive nature. The purpose of this station is to use non-invasive methods to collect images and DNA samples of animals, particularly carnivores. This project will help researchers understand the prevalence and movement patterns of these creatures in this area. So far, the station has captured images of a snowshoe hare, a local bobcat, and an owl that appears to be after a squirrel!


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#eagles #hawks #falcons #owls #wildlife #Montan #MontanaFWP #bobcat

We got some snow last night we all got our snowshoes let’s go do some research we’re here on the Continental Divide just outside of Helena to uncover the secrets of the elusive world of forest carnivores we’re here with our friends from the discovery foundation and wild ideas LLC they put some trail

Cams up here we’re going to go to see what they’ve captured so this trail cam setup is great cuz it’s super non-intrusive perfect for at long long-term remote studies and the footage we might get is a gold mine for management conservation and educational Outreach all right we’re grabbing the SD

Card going to head back to town and see what we’ve captured we have images of some visitors to the bait station we saw an owl chasing a squirrel several Snowshoe hairs and even a local carnivore a bobcat

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