‘Dumbest Dog Breed St. Bernard Dogs#viral #shorts #dog
Dive into the world of ‘St Bernard’ dogs, one of the most misunderstood ‘dog breeds’. Despite being labeled as the ‘dumbest dog breeds’, ‘Saint Bernard’ dogs are known for their loyalty and affection. In this video, we’ll explore the characteristics of ‘St Bernard dogs’, debunking the myths and showcasing their true nature. We’ll also share some ‘dog training’ tips specifically tailored for ‘Saint Bernard dogs’. So, whether you’re a dog lover or a potential ‘St Bernard’ owner, this video is for you. Join us as we unravel the truth about these gentle giants. Remember, every dog breed has its unique charm and ‘St Bernard’ dogs are no exception!

Now let’s talk turkey these pooches typically weigh in at a respectable 30 to 60 lb not exactly feather weights are they bite force oh they’ve got some Chompers all right their bite force clocks in at around 305 PSI PB per square inch which in dog terms is like

Being able to crack open a coconut with their jaws and don’t get me started on their careers these dogs are like the multi-tool of the K9 World they do agility doggy gymnastics anyone obedience better listeners than most humans and even therapy work furry therapists without the hourly rate some

Turn into Super sniffers for search and rescue or join the police force for a bit of action-packed Narcotics detection jack of all trades master of well quite a few four St Bernard

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