[나는 새끼다] 66호 새끼 – 셀커크렉스 –
우리는 태어난 지 40일된 셀커크렉스 새끼를 밀착취재 해 보았다.

#집에서함께애니멀봐 #고양이 #셀커크렉스고양이 #아깽이 #새끼고양이 #나는새끼다
관련 영상 더보기 🥰
나는 태어난 지 31일된 아메리칸 숏헤어 새끼다 [애니멀봐 나새끼 65호]↓↓↓

애니멀봐와 한배타고⛵
-유튜브: https://goo.gl/WL9mGy
-페이스북: https://www.facebook.com/sbstvanimal
-인스타그램: https://www.instagram.com/sbsanimal
-트위터: https://twitter.com/sbsyang

We proceeded saely after consulting vets and experts Curly-haired little rascal~ Here I am, a kitten wearing 100% wool fleece Melting my ice cold haert and helps sooth your mind One Beige,/ one white,/ two grey fleeces Oh SO CUTE What a life, napping while eating ~Mealtime appreciation time~ Sorry, I didn’t introduce myself I, who look warm,/ is a 40 days old Selkirk Rex Poodle in cat world But, the curliness varies cat by cat It’s very curly Hippie-perm C-curl perm Can go straight hair when it’s not too curly Well, I have curly hair The 4 kitten musketeer kittens got characters You wanna know a secret? (Don’t tell anyone) My whiskers are curled, too [Selkirk Rex has a curly whiskers until it’s fully grown] It’s out little secret Thanks to curly hair, I shed less

But, don’t let your guard down not a hand duster LOL VIP hair salon voucher is a must If you don’t brush my hair, it gets tangled easily [Curly hair grows inside the ears and causes ear infection. Take care of their ear condition] Curly hair hoomans will know

Who told you to be this cute? Fanks. You think you’re pretty huh? Yah. because I AM pretty Lemme show off my breath-taking beauty round/ and emerald eyes I have pink eyeshadow on Chic I have that innocent vibe I can’t take compliments… My paws are round and cute, too You know what defines pretty cats, right? It’s those cute toe beans! Strawberry flavor jelly/ and chocolate flavor jelly Pick and mix toe beans Very addictive visual

I can’t take my hands off them these toe beans are irresistable I want to go in../ SO BADLY This can doesn’t know when to stop It gets what it wants So? Am I cute? I got too invested in grooming.. Anyways…/I’m THE Baby’s first, self opening Busy doing self-care Indeed, she’s a pretty cat Do I look pretty in the camera? I have soft purrsonality, too I do well on my own I’m bored I do well with other cats, too (?) Chu❤️ Play with me and non-stop flirty with hoomans Tap/ tap/ NOW have a taste of my meow punch How does this thing work? full of curiosity, I’m a rascal kitten The world is full of interesting things we’re originated from Canada

We were first born in 1987, so we don’t have a long history So, our genetic diseases aren’t well known, but Similar to Persian cats be ware of polycystic kidney disease, hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, hip dysplasia and must take regular check ups!! We’re medium-sized cat, so we will be bigger and sturdier

Not smol and precious, but/ BIG and precious I will sleep well chubby baby kitten~/meows for milk Mother cat meows saying yes and eat well I will grow up with mommy’s love Anyways, we’re born and we’ll live a round cat’s life let’s all live with kind heart My future is/ this cat!

66th lead l Selkirk Rex let’s not forget the importance of responsibility, blinded by their cuteness


  1. 이 영상의 내용이 꼭 셀커크렉스라는 종으로 소개되어야하는건지 모르겠네요
    요즘정말 유기묘가 많은데 종의 특징이 제대로 설명되지도 않고 그냥 품종묘만 어필하는영상 같아요 (곱슬이라는 특징만)

    저도 품종묘 셀커크렉스 키우고있지만
    제대로 확인되지않은 정보도 있구요
    보통 집에서만 키우는 고양이, 그래서 더 책임감을 감춰버리고 유기되는 고양이들,

    조금 더 신중한 영상들이 올라왔으면 하는 바램입니다

  2. 샐커도 털 많이 빠져요.. 집에 털뿜뿜이가 있어요 다른고양이에비해 아주 조금 덜 빠지..긴 하지만 도긴개긴입니다

  3. 셀커크렉스 키우는 집사입니다~!
    털,,? 예,,, 털 지옥입니다…😂
    그래도 사랑한다,, 너의 털도😂😂❤

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