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・July Flowers written by Anonyment
・向日葵 written by 田中芳典
・山茶花~サザンカ~ written by 田中芳典(News)
・千歳の如く written by すもち
・さよなら水平線 written by もっぴーさうんど
・夢見る世界(Dreaming world) written by 蒲鉾さちこ
・Pray~星の祈り written by 畑中ゆう
・tears… written by JoMa
・すてきなオルゴール written by クラウンジ
・やわらかな時間(MILD TIME) written by 蒲鉾さちこ
・雨の静寂 written by shimtone
・今日の日に、おやすみ (Good Night,… written by 蒲鉾さちこ
・悲しい過去 written by kinono
・悲しみの大海 written by Ryo Lion
・コスモス written by もっぴーさうんど
・悲哀の響き(Echo with sorrow) written by 蒲鉾さちこ
・セピアの影絵 written by shimtone
・ひとりの部屋 written by shimtone
・雨の日 written by kinono
・影写す頃 written by shimtone
・永別の花 written by shimtone
・欠けた写真 written by shimtone
・枯葉色 written by shimtone
・散花 written by shimtone
・止まった時間 written by shimtone
・惜別 written by shimtone
・切ない風に吹かれて…(Blowing in th… written by 蒲鉾さちこ
・悲しい過去 written by Hupple
・悲しみに包まれて written by alaki paca
・悲雨 written by Notzan ACT
・悲壮 written by 石屋
・閉ざした心 written by KK
・夢雨 written by shimtone
・流れる青 written by いまたく
・涙雨 written by shimtone
・Happy Holiday written by Make a field Music
・Suddenly written by Anonyment
・いいこといっぱい! written by クラウンジ
・希望への旅立ち written by Motoyuki
・散歩に連れてって! written by クラウンジ
・前を向こう written by ゆうり
・Cry more written by 佐土原隼人
・memories written by Yukiko Kamata
・穏やかな時間 written by ゆうきわたる
・希望への旅立ち written by Motoyuki
・別れと笑顔 written by Motoyuki
・あの日への手紙 written by すもち
・ハッピーエンド written by チョコミント
・雪空 written by もっぴーさうんど
・木漏れ日の歌 written by すもち (1)
・ひとりぼっちの妖精 written by ゆうり
・フレッシュ太陽の光 written by MAKOOTO
・洗濯日和 written by Make a field Music
・きょうはいい天気 written by Make a field Music
・雫ノ詩 written by shimtone
・雫 written by のる
・陽光の射す部屋 written by MATSU
・花散ル風(Wind,falling down flower… written by 蒲鉾さちこ
・いつかきっと written by ISAo
・傷跡 written by オオヒラセイジ
・悲しい記憶 written by OK-Sounds
・game_image17 written by UG
・手紙のさよなら written by もっぴーさうんど
・SAD written by オオヒラセイジ
・回想 written by shimtone
・ideal(悲しい曲) written by shimtone
・手紙 written by スエノブ
・Reminiscence written by MFP【Marron Fields Production】
・Luculia written by まんぼう二等兵
・ツユクサの丘 written by まんぼう二等兵
・また逢いましょう written by 松浦洋介
・KANADE written by のる
・爽やかな空の下で(Under the pleasa… written by 蒲鉾さちこ
・月へ続く道 written by すもち
・beautiful sky written by のる
・Ayakumo written by FLASH☆BEAT
・Eternal Melody written by FLASH☆BEAT
・Everyday Moments written by MFP【Marron Fields Production】
・Good Morning Sunshine written by modus
・Hard Rain written by Make a field Music
・Hill Cowboy written by いまたく
・July Flowers written by Anonyment
・Last Farewell written by Anonyment
・LET IT GO written by Low
・Never Again written by MFP【Marron Fields Production】
・Prosit! written by のる
・カモメと旅をする written by ネコト
・星空のエメラルド written by FLASH☆BEAT
・逃走 written by lei
・幻想花 written by Notzan ACT
・我が告解 written by 秦暁
・造花の百合 written by 松浦洋介
・July Flowers written by Anonyment
・River flow written by すもち
・雨上がりの公園 written by 山本リョーマ
・波間にゆれる written by しんさんわーくす
・ある冬の朝、君の右隣 written by しんさんわーくす
・アイスレイン written by shimtone
・Sad rain written by Kyaai
・月 written by スエノブ
・十字架 written by スエノブ
・聖なる夜の悲劇 written by ハヤシユウ
・罪を共に分かち合い生きる written by alaki paca
・ムスカリの花 written by MATSU
・If You Love Me. written by HRK
・IN THE AIR written by 伊藤ケイスケ
・今日はとっても上機嫌 written by こばっと
・キラキラ桜吹雪 written by すもち
・センチメンタル 20XX written by K’z Art Storage
【4K】無料CG背景素材 10秒ループ動画 ニュース番組の背景CG【Aftereffects】

・pexels-Andrea Hamilton

Welcome to Leo Channel Thank you for watching December 2019 A horrifying incident occurred in the Galachay-Chercassian Republic, which borders Georgia in the south of the North Caucasus region of Russia.A family of dogs at a construction site were victims of horrific abuse. Unbelievably,

The culprit stuffed a firecracker into the dog’s mouth, set it on fire, and detonated it. After the explosion, residents heard the dog’s heartbreaking cries and rushed to the scene, witnessing the horrifying sight. When she saw the mother dog and her puppies, she reported it to the local police.

After hearing about the incident, Ms. Anal, a volunteer who works for animal protection in the local area, came to the rescue and immediately took the dog and her puppies to a veterinary hospital. Unfortunately , the mother dog’s life could not be saved. This inhumane news shocked all of Russia. The

Girl’s dog managed to survive, but her mouth was torn off and her front legs were damaged. The girl’s dog was seriously injured and received first aid, but the injuries were so severe that the local veterinary hospital said it would be difficult to save the puppy’s life .

I had a glimmer of hope and entrusted the girl’s fate to Elizaveta Volkova (commonly known as “Liza”), a female volunteer who is a blogger who is involved in animal protection activities in the United States.When Liza received the call, she took the girl’s dog to Moscow. With the cooperation of many people, we

Were able to bring the animal to a well-equipped veterinary hospital in Moscow. After that, Liza spread the word about the incident on social media . We appealed to people for help, and also cooperated in apprehending the devil-like culprit who caused this cruel incident.The

Family dog, which was the victim of this horrifying incident, did not have a designated owner . The girl’s dog, who was named “Sophie” by the locals, along with her deceased mother dog “Elsa” loved humans and was very friendly, and was loved and cared for by many local people, including meals every day.

Half of Sophie’s lower jaw was missing, so veterinary surgeons fitted instruments to stabilize it, cleaned everything in her mouth, removed bone fragments, and sutured the tongue that had been damaged by the firecracker. The veterinarian praised Sophie for being so patient and smart.After several surgeries, Sophie was finally able to close her lower jaw.

The veterinary surgeon then began preparing Sophie for plastic surgery on her upper lip.The long surgery was a success, and the artificial external device that had been placed during the esophagectomy was finally removed, leaving Sophie with a long life. Meanwhile, the public was searching for the perpetrator of this horrific crime, and the

Local newspaper “KP-North Caucasus,” which published the article, offered a reward of “ 30 yen to anyone who could find the perpetrator.” 10,000 Russian rubles (approximately 500,000 yen in Japanese yen).” Sophie’s multiple surgeries and hospital stays required a large amount of money.As

A result, Lisa posted on her social media that Sophie’s This incident, which attracted the attention of many people, caused many reactions throughout Russia, and a donation of 1 million Russian dollars was raised for Sophie, who never forgets her love for humanity despite her terrible experiences. Approximately 1.55 million Japanese yen (Rubles) were donated,

Which was enough to cover most of the costs.Thanks to the excellent veterinarians at the White Fang Clinic in Moscow, the upper jaw plastic surgery was successful. Although Sophie was able to get her baby back, she

Was missing part of her lower jaw and was unable to drink water using just the base of her tongue, so it was thought that she would need a lot of care for the rest of her life.However , Sophie’s ability to adapt was… Sophie’s tongue

, which was so short, surprised many people, including veterinarians. Gradually, Sophie’s tongue grew longer and she was able to deftly use her tongue and feed herself using what was left of her lower jaw . Lisa then went on to say: On his own SNS, he

Posted about Sophie’s daily life, including her treatment and the details of her fundraising efforts.Meanwhile, the police, who were continuing to investigate, identified the culprit who had committed horrific abuse on Sophie and her child. A local alcoholic was called in for questioning on charges of animal cruelty.It was

Also later revealed that Sophie’s deceased mother dog was pregnant at the time and sadly had Sophie’s siblings in her womb. I understand.Sophie never gives up, has a strong will to live, and has become a very energetic puppy that astonishes the people around her.Despite being subjected to

Such cruel acts, Sophie has never given up on humans. Sophie has returned to being an innocent girl like a trusting puppy and now enjoys playing with the volunteers the most.Despite her horrible experiences, Sophie is open to everyone.She carries a harsh past. After seeing Sophie overcome not only her physical scars but also

The emotional trauma and regaining her original cute personality, Lisa was convinced that she was ready and began looking for a suitable owner for Sophie. At the end of February 2020, just three months after Sophie was rescued, we received a call from a young couple who had just gotten married.The

Couple is currently disabled in their hind legs. He has four rescue dogs, including one dog, and his wife is a woman who is passionate about animal welfare.Also, his partner is a nice guy who works in the navy.They both

Fell in love with Sophie the moment they saw each other on social media. I’m sure that such a couple would take good care of Sophie, but in order to check on the couple’s breeding environment, Lisa and a female volunteer volunteer visited the couple’s home in St. Petersburg. Sophie took

The train for the first time in her life to go to her husband’s house.Using the high-speed train “Sapsan” , you can travel from Moscow to St. Petersburg in as little as 3 hours and 45 minutes.An overnight sleeper train is also an option. It takes about 8 hours for one

Train.The train uses stations in the center of both cities, which is convenient for the audience.Maybe this will be Lisa’s farewell to Sophie.Sophie is a very nice girl on the way. Sophie was officially adopted by Anya and her husband.A few days later, Anya sent a family photo to Lisa.Sophie

Is very mischievous, but the couple quickly forgive her. Sophie is especially close to Sabina, who has paralyzed hind legs, and says they are like sisters now. Anya’s mother laughs, saying that they are like a gang. Anya is so close to Sophie and the others. When her husband comes home

And sees her looking good , he can’t help but get jealous of his wife… Sophie has found the happiness she deserves.Thank you for watching until the end.It would be great if you could subscribe to the channel. Thank you for your encouragement


  1. 虐待の中でも最も酷い行為だ!犯行者はこの世に存在してはならない!永遠に影も形も無くなる事を祈ります👽

  2. ソフィーのお母さん犬に哀悼の意を表します😭
    ソフィーを 助けてくれた
    愛護団体の皆さんの介助と優しい支援に感謝します。新しい飼い主さんの元で、悪夢を打ち消し 元気に幸せにね😂❤🐶

  3. 😡ホントにどんなに痛かったか…どうかこんな事した人間が苦痛の人生になりますように👏🏼

  4. こんなことする人間は、ろくな死に方しない!

  5. 酷いことをする、人間がいますね😭

  6. なんてひど過ぎる事を😭😭


  7. 動物を虐待する人間にカルマが何倍にもなって返りますように🙏🙏🙏🙏心の底から祈ります。

  8. ホントこの犯人許せないし、犯人をこんな風に育てたご両親もゆるせないです!

  9. 犯人は死んだらあの世で火だるまでしょう
    この世での修行がなされなければ この犯人は生まれ変わっても悲惨な人生を繰り返すことになります
    犯人さん 御愁傷様

  10. 申し訳ないけど助けた人達も含めてロシアの人は頭イカれてんな◯ー◯ンが圧倒的再選とか頭おかしい

  11. 酷すぎないか? 残酷すぎる!
    殺人事件では? していいことと悪いことの区別ができない人間は死刑にしてほしい。

  12. 酷過ぎます!

  13. 酷すぎる虐待ですね…。ありえない!

  14. レオちゃんねるを見ていると、ロ○○って、爆竹や、毒、極寒の中氷の中に放置、土に埋めたのもそうでしたっけ?

  15. Ya no hay seres humanos hay monstruos diabólicos , la maldad no tiene límites cobardes con inocentes q no se pueden defender

  16. Ya no hay seres humanos hay monstruos diabólicos , la maldad no tiene límites cobardes con inocentes q no se pueden defender

  17. なんでなんで、、

  18. あー!!!!もうムリ!!人間なんて今すぐ絶滅すればいい!!!!そしたら地球にとっても動物にとっても一番いい事!!

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