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세계 전설 옛날이야기_잠잘때 듣는 아이들에게 들려주는 신비한 이야기_영국편(신검 엑스칼리버)

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또한 아이들에게 쉽게 다양한 사물을 설명해 주고 있습니다.


Subject: new sword xcalibur Once upon a time in England… …when the old land was covered in darkness… …there was a boy named Arthur… …who was as brave as a dragon. He was always the most adventurous boy in the world.

Arthur lived in a village where once a year… … the creatures of the abyss came and took people and tormented them. Until then, Arthur did not know… …that fate was splicing together for him a great adventure… …that would test his courage, wisdom and goodness.

There was a path that led to the end of a mysterious forest made up of thick trees and balanced rocks. On a clear and crisp morning, Arthur could hear whispers in the wind in his ear. It sounded as if it was leading him to a mysterious secret in an ancient forest.

He was carried forward, as if possessed. He had so much anticipation and excitement in his heart. As Arthur was walking towards the mystical forest… …all of a sudden, he heard the owl holler. “Who’s there?” “I am the owl, the wisest of these woods,

And I know why you have come to these woods, and I want you to tell me, what is hidden in these w oods?” “There’s a legend that goes back a long way in this forest that tests strength and courage.

Aren’t you looking for it too?” “Yes, I am, and I’d like to find the legendary sword.” “Through the Forbidden Caves, you will find the answers.” Caves. Now the real adventure begins. The road to the cave is filled with peril. Arthur encountered fierce beasts and dangerous terrain, but his body and soul remained unbroken.

With each ordeal, he grew stronger and more determined. His courage shone brightly in the dark. At the mouth of the cave, Arthur met a mysterious sphinx guarding the passageway. Under the faint light, the Sphinx stood his ground. “Welcome, brave boy.” “If you wish to enter this cave,

You must answer my riddle.” Arthur was ready to enter the mysterious cave. “Okay, tell me a riddle.” And he looked at me with his eyes full of wonder. And with a solemn smile on his face, he said, “Here’s your riddle.

What is it that you can never see up close in the daytime, and what is it that you can see clearly at night even from a distance?” Arthur thought long and hard, smiled and said: “Of course they’re stars. They’re obvious in the night sky,

But you can’t see them during the day.” The Sphinx smiled and nodded. “You’re right, you’re wise, I’ll open the way to the cave!” And the Sphinx gives Arthur the sword. “The dagger is the sword of light and courage.

It is an ordinary sword now, but when you defeat the monster in the abyss, it will become the sword of light and courage.” And the sphinx moved sideways and opened the cave door. Arthur went deep into the cave to continue his adventure. Beyond the cavern’s threshold, Arthur descended into the abyss of darkness.

Arthur, with his flickering torches and his steady bravery found his way deep into the cave through a maze of tunnels and rooms that shriek with terror. There, in the shadows, Arthur came upon a monster thrashing through the earth.

When he drew from the legendary sword with bated breath and firm hands… …the blade glowed with ancient magic. He summoned strength in his heart and strength in his body. Arthur raced to fight the creature from the depths.

At that moment, a ray of courage came out of his chest and awakened the sword’s power. Ancient sorcery reverberated, the beast of the abyss struggled, until it was melted by the sword’s ray. …Arthur’s courage shines brighter with his sword… …and the cave is lit up.

As the dust settles and the battle debris fades away… …Arthur’s triumph is revealed. Arthur awoke the legendary sword… … and its blade was sharp and blue… …and its armor filled with light. He had finally driven the darkness out… … and brought peace back to England’s old land.

Arthur used ancient magic to plant the sword of light and courage on the rock for the chosen one to wield. When monsters came to England, or when the country was in trouble, it was a gift for generations to come. My friends, this sword is my new sword, Excalibur.

Friends, don’t forget the moral of this story that I’m giving you today. See you in your dreamland Ha-lung!

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