ジン】8歳 グレートピレニーズ × バーニーズマウンテンドッグ 53kg♂
アンカー】7歳 セントバーナード × バーニーズマウンテンドッグ 83kg♂
ボウ】(2021/9/1生)セントバーナード 67kg♂

今回、野生のムースが近くで撮影出来たのは良かったのですが… 既にゴーストになりかかった可哀想な状態😢
野生で生きているので仕方が無いとはいえ… 見ているのは辛い。何とか持ち堪えて生き延びてくれる事を祈るしかありません。体が大きく 犬や猫のような柔軟性は無い彼ら… 脚が届く範囲は限られていますし、痒い時には木に体を擦り付けて凌いだりするよう。
私が以前見た子ムースは、ダニに覆われて体力も無くなって動けなくなり 地面に蹲った状態で… 母ムースは近くに座ってじっと子ムース見つめていました😭
幾つかのゴーストムースに関する記事を読んでみたのですが、やはり温暖化や環境破壊が無関係では無さそう… 人間のした事が、自然界に大きく影響しているのは間違いありません。


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Learn Again / Tall Heights
Maybe / Oh Gravity
Here Too Far / Beta Radio

Hello everyone. This week, the snow has been melting fast, and the dogs are playing in the woods, not wanting to miss the last bits of cold snow. The usual duo…they fight each other over branches. You know, we’re in the woods, so we have million branches!

Even so, they really want the branch that the other one is holding in his mouth, and when I watch what they are doing, they both just chew on it. It didn’t have to be this branch… Anchor uses a big paw to hold the branch, so Bow can’t grab it. You guys are funny.

When the snow melts, it’s also time to use tick medicine. We walk through the woods every day, so we need to be careful about ticks. We give the medicine when you can see the ground. We don’t have any problems with Anchor,

As it comes with flavors for dogs, so he munches on it happily. “Aren’t there any refills? I can eat at least 3 more.” This year, due to inflation, the price of medicine has increased… The amount of medicine depends on weight. In our case,

Always the maximum amount for all three dogs. It can’t be helped because it is absolutely necessary, but animal medical care can be expensive. I show the empty package to Anchor and say, “No more.”

Next is Bow. He doesn’t like medicine…Still, if the timing is right, he will eat it easily, but this year, he doesn’t seem to be in the mood. It looks like… this has to be done, After all, it’s an expensive pill, so I can’t afford to waste it.

He went off camera for a moment, but he swallowed it safely.There were a lot of bubbles in the medicine. Don’t worry, it dissolves quickly so it won’t get stuck in his throat! Then Jin. He absolutely hates medicine, and I’ve posted videos of giving tick medicine to Jin before, but…

Fresh cream, etc. Even if you mix it, there will always be some leftover, so the best way to ensure that… he takes the entire amount is to swallow the whole pill. Jin knows this is medicine, so this disgusting face. Done!

This is a moose that was on the street. Can you see that bald white patch ? This is called a Ghost moose because its whole body is covered in ticks, and it gets itchy and scratches, which causes the hair to fall out and eventually turn white all over the body.

When the itching becomes severe, they are unable to eat, and as a result of the blood loss caused by the ticks sucking their blood and hunger, they eventually weaken and die. It’s really unfortunate, but there’s nothing we can do about it. It’s impossible to give medicine to wild moose …

He scratching hard, but their reach is limited. There can be thousands of ticks attached to a single moose. Most of the ones that die are weak and young, under one year old. Living in the wild is not easy.

But this global warming also has affects on wild lives. It’s clear that something is changing even when we can’t see it, and wild animals may be the first to be affected by it.

This is what the garden looks like from upstairs. There’s almost no snow anymore, but you can still see a little bit of white on the far edge of the field. It was very warm that day, so I cleaned the windows.It was about 17℃ a perfect summer day for us.

Normally, my husband is in charge of the outside. But it seems like he wanted to sit in the sun, so I’m doing it. Everyone is producing vitamin D while soaking up the sun! After I finished cleaning the windows, I asked Bow to play soccer with me, but

My dogs weren’t really interested in the ball… It was a warm, cheerful afternoon in the garden and we were all basking in the sun … We look like a family of turtles (lol) Too hot for Anchor, so he is on the snow!

This was an unusually cold morning. We went for a drive to see some unusual scenery. There’s a big river that runs through the city, and even though it’s the season when the snow melts, there’s still no water. we’re walking on the riverbed…

I can’t believe the day before was warm. Bow and Anchor’s breath is white. The bridge pylons which should actually be in the water, are in full view. You can see the iron bridge from below,

All the way to the edge of the river. As we walked along, we finally saw some water. Even my husband, who has lived here for several decades, said this was his first time…

Seeing this situation… In fact, it was very scary for us. Even though the water level increases and decreases every year, this is abnormal. As shown in the video from last summer when the forest fires were so bad, with the dry conditions this year,

I feel like this year too will be a summer where I won’t be able to feel at ease. Anchor and Bow were very excited to be walking in a different place than usual (Jin doesn’t like strange places so he stays home) They’ve been walking a lot, so they’re both panting.

The seats in the back are so tight when Bow and Anchor get on board. They bent their bodies over and somehow manage to maintain their posture. It was fun. Jin is waiting, so let’s go home.

This is Bow, who is waiting for his favorite meat. Bow is an uneven eater, but he bites into his favorite food. drooling (lol) He finished his food in seconds and waiting for Jin to have some leftover food. He gives Jin silent pressure… It’s hard for Jin to eat.

(Well, do you want to eat mine ? ) Jin gives rest of his food to Bow. Jin’s food is mine! Actually, a few days ago, Bow persisted in bugging Jin again, and he had got some lessons.

He was bleeding on his muzzle…Bow still acts like a baby. Jin will give Bow food and will even pamper him… but if Bow goes beyond his limits, he will get angry. As long as Bow is by Jin’s side, he will always remain a spoiled boy.

Jin’s teaching continues… You’re being pampered by everyone. lucky boy! This is also Bow… He comes sits on me when he wants to have a massage, even though I’m lying down at the moment.

He doesn’t understand his own size at all… He mistakenly thinks he’s still the same size as when I held him as a puppy. In last week’s video, I said, “The creek will soon be flowing,” but like the rivers, there’s no water this year due to the lack of snow.

It helps that the dogs don’t get muddy, but it’s also dry. So… this is a big factor that leads to wildfires. I really hope nothing happens. Thanks for watching. See you in the next video.


  1. ダニの恐ろしさ知りました。。薬も大きくてびっくりでしたが。 カナダも東京も、、毎年夏が怖くなりますね。。 みんなの元気な姿が癒しです。また、楽しみにしています!

  2. おはようございます。アンカーちゃんとボウちゃん子供のおもちゃの取り合いのよう😂かわいい❤

  3. 今週も動画ありがとうございます
    この時季に水がないのは… 山火事もですが水不足も懸念されるのでしょうか?

  4. ジン、アン、ボウちゃん達、どのシーンもたまらなく可愛かったです💕気象変動の影響がすでに身近に迫っていることを感じさせられました。敷地内の小川に水がない!この時期に半袖とノースリーブの服装でも大丈夫、って怖いくらい。この夏の乾燥が本当に気がかりだと思います。

  5. 今週も素敵な動画をありがとうございました(^^)


  6. 珍しい模様のムースだなぁ … と思ったらダニのせいで、、
    カナダで今の時期 17 ℃っていうのがそもそも異常ですよね。
    日本も暖かくなってきたとはいえ、私の住む愛知県地方は暖かい日で 15 ℃程度です。
    本当にここ数年、異常気象が続いてますね。いま思えば最初のコロナが爆発的に流行した辺りから … と言うか、異常気象のせいでパンデミックになったんでしょうね。
    温暖化になれば虫が季節より早く出てきて、それは害虫も同じで野生動物が悲しい目に合ってしまう …


  7. こんにちは。

  8. 森の中で楽しく遊んでいるボウちゃん達 ダニはどうしているのかなと思っていたらやはり投薬されてますよね。うちも3頭いるので薬代が😱😱😱😱薬の大きさは全然うちの方が小さいですけど😅

  9. こんにちは😊


  10. 大型犬の医療費、薬代は大変ですよね!だから保険に入っている飼い主さんもいますがその保険料も半端ではなく悩むところです。

  11. 🐈の医療費は保険無しですのでホント高額です😧、が元気には代えられません。因みに拙宅,柴10Kgで防フィラリア兼ダニ薬@2,000圓×6ヶ月を計上しています。お変わりない季節でありますよう。

  12. 今回はどれをサムネにするか、マミーはとても悩まれたのでは???

  13. 地球温暖化がこんなかわいい動物の体も蝕むこともあるのですね。本当どうにかならないのかな?とか思います。病気になって死んだとしてもまた、そこからその肉とか食べる動物が2次被害になるのではと思うと、人間の力の無さに肩を落とします。ダニの予防薬大切ですね。しっかり飲んでね!ジンくん🐕





  14. 毎回楽しく観ています❤3匹が本当に可愛くて癒やされています。我が家は動物は飼えないので動画がアップされるのを楽しみにしています❤

  15. ちょうど、大相撲で平幕力士が記録に残る優勝をした後にこの動画を見ました。

  16. ジン偉いですね 私はジンのファンで、表情がなんともカワイイ それぞれ個性があって いつも楽しませていただき ありがとうございます。

  17. 可愛い三頭はもちろん、素晴らしい自然の景色も楽しみに拝見させていただいています

  18. 野生の動物は本当にかわいそうですね。悲しくなります。三兄弟は何をしていてもかわいい❤あと100人ずっと見てきたからか、うれしくてみんなを抱きしめたい。すぐですよ〜😊至る所での水不足まったく心配です。地球は大丈夫なのか。地下水なくなったら大事ですよね。祈るしかないのか?雨乞いしなくてはならない。

  19. 急に暖かくなってダニに悩まされる時期ですよね。私が毎年トラウマになるのが、噛みついて血を吸ってるダニではなく、犬の毛の上やベッドの上をシラーっと這ってるダニ!(私はSurvivorsと呼んでます)夜に犬とカウチでまったりしてる時に見つけた時には、部屋中掃除してからでないと気になって寝れません(苦笑)ゴーストムースの現実と水不足・・・色々と考えさせられました。いつも綺麗な映像と愛らしい3匹の映像、ありがとうございます。

  20. アメリカに帰って来ました。犬たちに会いたいのはもちろんですが母国にいたとはいえ、やはり住んでいる我が家に帰りたくて仕方がありませんでした。テキサスは暑く、そして雨が少ないためダニは増えているでしょうね😢テキサスは年中蚊やダニ予防を推奨しているため、一年中毎月予防薬必須です。海外は薬代も高いので、我が家はフィラリアの予防接種、ダニは皮膚につけるタイプを使用。日本はシーズン物なので半月でいいんですよ。しかし、チュアブルデカい!笑ボウはいつまでも末っ子気質ね。ウチの末っ子もボウほど甘えん坊ではないかも😂

  21. ダニにやられた、たぬきの親子が可哀想な😢顔でこっちを見てました。毛もげっそり😱抜けてて、可哀想でした。ダニなのか?違う伝染する厄介な病気じゃ無いといいげと。大型犬の薬は大きいですよね。ダニや藪蚊🦟に大変な時期になりますが、ゆっくりと大自然の中での生活をお過ごしください❤♪

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