

❄️エルサ – ラグドール♀猫のアイドル💞性格はツンデレ✨
🐻‍❄️ベンジャミン – エルサの旦那様♂(👑シナモンと🐻モカの息子)


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#ラグドール #子猫 #kittens #Ragdoll
#赤ちゃん猫 #エルサ #子猫の成長記録
#そり耳 #反り耳猫 #ちいかわ #ちいかわシーサー #オオヤマネコ #実写版
#シーサー #沖縄シーサー

Summary from the previous episode Elsa’s eye is red‼️😱 Here comes Elsa’s husband Benjamin. What’s up? Elsa’s eye is red! Benjie 😱 Oh yeah, so what? So what ???😤 This guy, his wife is sick and he doesn’t have a kind word to say?😡 Hey mom, can I have some snacks?

I’m going to put eye ointment in Elsa’s eyes, so I’m going to clean her eyes with a cotton pad soaked in warm water. Wipe her eyes with a tissue paper next. Maltipoo Snowman wandering around behind… Then wash her eyes with eye wash. Elsa hates water so she can’t stay still.

She is afraid of the water so I drop the water next to her eye and slide it into her eye. The snowman is wandering around behind me so the camera is out of focus.😩 Next, apply eye drops to a cotton swab. When I explained it to her, Elsa calmed down.

All done! You did great job Elsa! Elsa has adorable big blue eyes.🥰 It’s time for the eye ointment again Elsa. 3 times a day, for 7 days. We can do that together! Elsa, thank you for raising your child alone. Appreciate it.

You know how hard it is to raise a child…🥺 It’s nap time and the kittens are dozing off. 🥱 Here are two live-action Okinawan shisa (lions) playing together. Elsa’s husband Benji playing innocently alone. Where is the main princess? Oh, there she is! She seems to be very annoyed. What’s the matter Princess?

The curled-eared Shisa won’t help me to raise our kids. indeed. Benji plays with the bag after pushing Princess Elsa aside. Princess Elsa is excited to get Benji’s attention.☺️💓 Benjamin is one year old and still young and playful.😽 Benji ignored Princess Elsa and walked away.🫢‼️

Benji comes in front of the camera without any incident. You treat your wife badly, this is what you get! Ouch!🙀 Elsa is getting karma right away…🫢 You hit my son Benjamin didn’t you?! You pissed me off big time!👹 I’m gonna tear you apart! This is it! Let’s do it!

The next day. It’s time to put the eye medicine again Elsa! The 3rd day. Elsa’s eyes are getting better thanks to the eye ointment. To be continued… Thanks for watching 😽 Please like and subscribe!


  1. 皆様、ご視聴ありがとうございます😊高評価、コメント、チャンネル登録、は動画作りの励みになるので宜しくお願いします👍🙏✨💕

  2. ふふふ、タイトルから面白かったです。

  3. 猫関係は複雑ですからねー。仲良しほど、あとでものすごく仲が悪くなることもあったりだし~

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