Я, ветеринар, был вызван осмотреть десятилетнего ирландского волкодава по имени Белкер. Владельцы собаки: Рон, его жена Лиза и их маленький сын Шейн, очень привязаны к Белкеру и надеялись на чудо. Проведя осмотр, я обнаружил, что пес умирает от рака. Я сообщил семье, что мы не можем сделать ничего для его спасения, и предложил процедуру эвтаназии для старого пса в их доме.

I, the veterinarian, was called examine a ten year old Irish wolfhound named Belker. Dog Owners: Ron, his wife Lisa and their little one son Shane, very attached to Belker and hoped for miracle. Upon inspection, I discovered that the dog is dying of cancer. I informed the family that we we can’t do anything

To save him, and suggested euthanasia procedure for old dog in their house. After Ron and Lisa agreed they asked Shane to watch eleven 00:00:31,490 –> 00:00:35,120 behind the procedure, as they thought he could do something learn from this experience. The next day when Belker’s family gathered

Around him, I felt a familiar lump in my throat. Shane seemed calm petting my old friend for the last time and I was I wonder if he understood what’s happening. A few minutes later Belker fell asleep peacefully forever. The little boy seemed experienced the departure of a pet without difficulties and confusion.

We sat together for a while time after Belker’s death, discussing out loud sad the fact that animal life shorter than human. Suddenly Shane said, “I I know why.” Hearing this, we all turned attention to him. What he said was stunning me. I’ve never heard more a comforting explanation.

He said: “People are born to learn to live well life, love everyone and be cute, right? thirty 00:01:31,680 –> 00:01:34,900 And dogs already know how do this, so they shouldn’t stay here so long”. Dear viewers, if you liked this video then like and subscribe to our channel. Goodbye.

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