

シェルターから迎え入れた推定8歳のボーダーコリー♂、保護犬「トーマ」が、GW帰省で茨城に行き、Lotti Cafeのドッグランで遊んだりランチをいただいたり、牛久シャトーで散歩をしたりポニーとふれ合ったりしたときの様子の動画です。

This is a video of Toma, an estimated 8-year-old rescued border collie boy who was adopted from the shelter, having lunch at the cafe, playing at the attached dog park, taking a walk at the winery, and interacting with the ponies during the May holidays.

気ままにトーマ ~Toma, the perfect silly dog (rescued border collie)
The dog loves other dogs but horses give him the shivers

Song title: Wind
Composer RYU ITO 



Over the May holidays we went to Toma’s dad’s parents’ house. First, we had lunch at a nice cafe with a dog park attached. While we were waiting for our lunch to be prepared, Toma was playing in the dog park. He got closer and closer to the other dogs playing there. While we were playing in the dog park, delicious lunch were brought to our table. We treated Toma to a doggy lunch. In the evening we went to the winery. This was the second time in two and a half years for Toma. The event where we could interact with the ponies had just ended. We were told that this pony was used to dogs, so Toma was allowed to say hello. He got closer and closer to the dogs, but stayed away from the pony. After that, Toma stuck to the wine counter. We had no choice but to buy wine for Toma’s mom and grape juice for Toma’s dad.


  1. The pony was so small and cute! I didn't expect the pony to be not much bigger than Toma. It's great to see Toma so happy and enjoying his day out again.

  2. Good day to you friend toma the litttle ponies looked like big dogs but didnt smell like other digs, hi 5 from Apple pie and Pumpkin pie to loveky glass of wine

  3. ワンコOKのワイナリーですか!

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