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Hundreds of Dogs Rescued as Truck Stopped in #indonesia on Way to Dog Market in #china

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Dog Rescue TV & WA2S Films
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WA2S Films & World Animal Awareness Society 818.561.5109

Rescuing Hundreds of Dogs as Truck Stopped on Way to Dog Market in Korea, #china and Indonesia
Rescuing Hundreds of Dogs from Dog Market on The Rescuers DNA

so we’ve just got notification the do the truck carrying the dogs has arrived at the store to house the police are on the way and they’ve asked us to get there as quickly as we can so not really sure what we’re going to find but we’re racing to make sure that none of the dogs are harmed before we get there 3 seconds away yeah yeah yeah a a littleit in the yeah yeah the dog so and cium sacks in an now bound um looking very very scared and we’ve now brought the dogs to the Poli station where we’re loading them from the truck they’re getting Emergency Care from our brilant B Team here a lot of the dogs are in quite bad condition um they’ve obviously enjoed a horrendous experience being stolen from the streets and then trafficked on a journey that likely lasted for over 10 hours um but they’re all things that with our expert veteranary team on hand where we’re confident we can help them overcome well so many of the dogs that came off the truck and we see this often were still wearing collars sign that they at some were owned I think many people don’t know that particularly in Southeast Asia that these are stolen pets and I think we can all sympathize with that feeling of panic and grief and you know anger and all of those feelings that you feel when you lose a pet when a pet goes missing but for a pet owner in places like Indonesia Vietnam Cambodia you’re frantically driving to every Market to places where you know that dogs and cats are being sold slaughtered trying to find your pet and buy it back generally before it gets trafficked this is affecting not only Animal Welfare it’s affecting the love and the bond that people have with their animals it’s affecting public health because it undermines rabes control programs throughout the region particularly in Southeast Asia more than 98% of cases are mediated dog related and so we know that if we are trafficking unvaccinated un quarantined dog that’s a public health risk also a public health risk to the people that are catching wiering raing the dog so a lot of people are at risk here and today we’re here in BOGO in West Java at a temporary shelter that we’ve built to house and provide care for dogs rescued from an illegal dog meat Trader yesterday in sukaj So at the moment we’re still preparing the shelter building up the best facilities we can to make sure that the dogs get all of the Care that they need a lot of them are incredibly skinny and emaciated so with lots of TLC and good food hopefully they can overcome this trauma quickly with the right care which we’re committed to providing them with she’s still very very afraid and it takes time but it’s very very sad to see let see if I can go get her and you know while some dogs can bounce back quite quickly you can kind of see the trauma in her and I think she’ll overcome it but for now she needs a lot of rest and care and we have a chance to make up for all of the injustices that were done to her okay my biggest hope for these animals is that they forget everything that they’ve been through um so my hope for them is that they forget it all and it becomes a bad dream and they can go on to live the lives they deserve and that is is what we’re 100% committed to giving them dogs like these represent a wider campaign and we’re committed to ending the dog meet trade and Industry globally so that no dog ever have to enjoy what they did the vast majority of local people are completely against this trade I mean in Indonesia as an example about 92% of people according to our Nationwide polls are in support of a dog meat trade van like we have seen jurisdiction after jurisdiction Regency after City darta recently passed dog meat band that’s an important president for other areas to follow and so I think you know we’re we’re going to get there South Korea is our Flagship campaign and most people know us for that campaign but we also do a lot of really great work in places where the dog meat trade is R like Vietnam Indonesia and we also work with with partner groups in China as well the approach atsi is taking it’s not to blame the people working in the industry but trying to work with them try to understand them and the consumers as well I hope that we’re able to showcase the amazing work that our local colleagues are doing each and every day and while our audience might only see like glimpses of our rescue we want to promote our local work and campaign work this is our 10th dog meat farm closure in South Korea and there are about 170 dogs on this farm that will be rescued and having a second chance at being the dogs they deserve to be as you can see there’s puppies that are struggling along with all the dogs here in this terrible place they call home you follow me I’ll show you the mish mash of cages and varieties of dogs that you find on these Farms um none of it makes any sense three dogs together in a small cage sometimes two sometimes one these are golden retrievers you find every kind of dog on these Farms everything from Chihuahua to St Bernards to Golden Retrievers all all sweet just dogs in a terrible circumstance as you can see every kind of dog despite their circumstances you know they’re eager for human attention some some Tower in their cages it’s it’s just a sad scenario they’re exposed to all the elements they get just enough food to survive they never receive any Veterinary Care they just exist and till one day when they’re sent to slaughter but these are the lucky ones all 170 dogs will be removed from this farm and will be sent to homes in the UK the United States and Canada and they will all have the second chance they deserve hi sweee hi babies hello sweethearts it it never astonishes us I mean it it just never seizes to amaze us how these dogs have the resilience they do despite the lack of any human kindness they are willing to trust willing to as you can tell it is cold on this Farm I’m all bundled up these dogs have nothing but metal bars to call home they struggle every night just to get through it goes down into the 20s at night it’s about well it’s 30s today it is a it is a cold cold old place as I mentioned random dogs put together Afghan hounds I we don’t a lot of these dogs we assume are former pets and just get dropped here many of the dogs here are bred on this Farm solely for the purpose of meat and that’s their existence as I mentioned these are the lucky ones all of you you are going to happy places you all are going to go to a happy place a new home you’re going to know kindness yes you are as you can see it’s almost a maze a maze of let me show you what they are meant to call their dinner every day this disgusting slop I can’t even tell you what’s in there just a leftover human waste food waste it’s just they get whatever they get and that’s what they’re meant to eat garbage everywhere mish mash of stuff it’s it’s there’s again no Rhyme or Reason I love hi baby has sweet gentle creatures cages everywhere there’s a mama with her pups more pups just a struggle to to get by as I mentioned every kind of dog you can imagine are on these Farms we’ve been able to save over a thousand of them now as I mentioned this is our 10th dog meat farm closure this dog meat farm will be closed permanently all of the cages will be demolished we will be ensuring that this property is never used again to raise dogs or any animals of any kind we we sign a contract with the farmer we follow through with the farmer we come to this location and we visit it we also help the farmer transition to a new Humane livelihood you can see here my colleagues are putting together all of the crates that will be used in the trans transports over the next 2 to 3 weeks to transport all of the dogs every last dog in this Farm will be sent to Canada to the UK and to the United States to find new homes and be adopted into loving families this beautiful girl is Port Bell and she’s still a little bit nervous because today is probably the first day that she is having some gentle words and even more gentle touches bab getting a bit closer to her and she is a dog on a dog meat farm and all she has ever known is this cage and seeing dogs being taken away for the wrong reasons but despite all of that she’s curious and she’s so desperate to be touched but still a little bit nervous so we’re just taking it super slow she can smell the other dogs on me this is a farm that we’re closing so she doesn’t quite understand it yet but for her tomorrow the dog me industry ends and I so wish we could tell her that and she could understand us because tomorrow is going to be the best day of her life and she doesn’t know it but we know it and you can see already despite everything you look at where she lives and somehow she’s just stayed so gentle and curious she’s very curious she is you’re a good girl we’re getting little Wags of the tail moving very slowly to try not to scare her okay audio is good Tom cool so today we started the closure of this farm and this beautiful girl is one of nearly 200 dogs and she had a cage mate who was on today’s flight so we’re just spending some extra time with her to reassure her um because she obviously doesn’t understand where her friends gone and they’ll have likely been born on this farm and spent their entire lives in this cage so bit by bit we can get a bit closer to her and see and dogs like Port Bellow are like the most important ambassadors for our campaign CU they show everyone no matter where a dog comes from a dog is a dog is a dog and this beautiful girl is just the same as the beautiful girls I have at home who sleep on my couch and who like so many people are cherished favorite family members and very soon that’s exactly where she’s going to be and she’s going to show everyone why the dog meat industry has to end for good yeah so this is a very typical dog meat farm you know through that we find throughout South Korea and so dogs like these are mostly born on farms like this and they’re raised um until they’re taken by Traders to to be slaughtered so the dogs survive these miserable conditions I mean if you look at the conditions that they’re living in and this is their reality this is their entire world and every single day they’re in these cages and then the only time they leave the cage it’s to be taken away to be slaughtered and it’s the reality that when you’re with these dogs you can never forget you know to survive all of this just to be slaughtered is it’s just the saddest thing and that’s why it’s always you know is it’s emotional coming to Farms like this because you just wish you could tell them what’s happening and why it’s happening and that they need to trust you but how can you expect them to trust you but then you see dogs like her she does somehow she still comes she’s curious smelling a lot of the other dogs that are on this Farm who are only a stone throw away but she’ll never of met so she just has her little buddies in the cage next to you and you often find this on Dog Farms the dogs talking to each other through the bars and you can see this little guy next door watching something out his little the Gap in the bars and you just got to wonder what they make of it all and the world is going to expand so beyond what you could ever imagine I don’t think it should either I think if it becomes easy to come somewhere like this then I don’t think that you can you can keep coming back it’s it should hurt and it should feel sad because this is what we’re fighting and we’re giving our everything towards ending and dogs like her and all of these dogs deserve people who are going to come and fight for them as if they’re fighting for their own and that’s what we’re here to do so no it it never gets easier and I think it’s you know when you kind of get up close these dogs and you kind of see the trauma they’ve been through and it’s so such deep trauma but then they do have these glint in their eyes and and we see these dogs come through on the other side once they get out of these farms and they find their families and it’s the most rewarding moment ever when you see them living the lives that you promised them are coming and we don’t break our promises no we don’t break our promises no so if we weren’t here today to take these dogs off the farm they’d either be picked up to be taken to a slaughter house market or restaurant um and we we know what that is and you know the the animals are just treated with such such a disregard and it’s a very very sad existence like I always think the dogs sit there you know wait to die and and then fight to live at the last moment and it’s it’s heart-wrenching to witness these dogs have lived their entire life on this dog meat farm in Korea and you know they live in really deplorable conditions I mean they’re in terrible tiny cages just disgusting but we’re shipping out all 57 of the dogs that are on the farm so in this case we can come to the farmer about helping him to rework the land to build green houses and start growing crops really tough it’s been a long journey getting the daughters here um and for a while I didn’t think we were going to make it so seeing them go off means everything’s thing this is Ellie and Ellie is one of the lucky dogs who have come to us today from Korea from a dog meat farm hi sweetie we’re just so thrilled to uh be picking her up here today all of the dogs initially are going to San Francisco sbca who is has graciously agreed to host them they’ve set up fantastic spots for them and then from there there are a number of Partners in the Bay Area who will be coming to pick them up and get them really ready and uh to get adopted into their homes Ellie is really a representative for dogs that you know still are in the dog meat trade in Korea and Korea is the only country that Farms dos for the dog meat trade I’m so happy that Ellie is here now and that she is going to have the life she deserves and not be food and Humane Society International is working so hard to end this horrible trade they don’t know how lucky they are really this dog meat farm is very different from any we’ve seen this Farm is uh essentially in a sort of Shack shed type structure where the dogs are completely hidden from view they have no access to sunlight very little fresh air and their cages are through these Warren of of hallways the smell is really overwhelming in here very strong ammonia smell your eyes burn your nose Burns and it’s just because there is very little fresh air gets in there and these dogs have to live in this smell their entire lives he sweet baby baby you can see how terribly terribly mad it is desperate need of attention oh


  1. Use the YouTube Giving button to the right or below this video to make a donation. Dogs are being slaughtered for their meat in many countries around the world. This fund will help deliver more dogs to freedom and new homes, and away from the cages of death that once were their fate. Thank you for watching and helping to save more dogs.

  2. Que barbaridad,como es posible que no tengan corazon,por eso se enferman,pobresitos perritos ,gracias por salvarlos,dios los cuide y puedan salvar mas.

  3. Apa kekurangan daging ternak, sampai2 anjing yg jelas2 hewan pelijaraan bukan daging ternakan mau dimakan juga. Dengan cara menculik pula…rakus amat sih

  4. It is a great job, God give you grace and bless your path for such a small amount of work, all these little animals deserve respect!! ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

  5. All dogs are very innocent. All dogs are weeping in truck 😢😢😢 your humanity team is very loving carring and very kind. Thank you very much for helping innocent faithful animals. ❤❤❤❤


  7. What is this world coming too thank you for people like you shame on dog owners who just leave their dogs for other people and people that put dogs in places like this so so evil

  8. I don’t know why these people cannot see the love pain and fear in these dogs eyes!! They are truly mankind’s Best and loyalist friend!! But I thank you so much for saving them the world needs more people like you thank you!! 🙏🏻

  9. Poor dogs,what an evil world we live in.prayers for them and the other millions that have to ensure such an abuse.thanks for rescuing them.❤😊

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