Exotic cat breeds you never knew existed are dangerous (when you don’t know this)!

From rare coat patterns to unique personalities, these feline wonders will leave you spellbound.

But that’s not all – watch until the end for a jaw-dropping surprise that will challenge everything you thought you knew about cats.

Don’t miss out – subscribe now and embark on an extraordinary journey into the world of exotic felines!

Time Codes
00:00 – Intro
03:53 – Egyptian Mau Cat
04:59 – Turkish Van Cat
08:36 – Peter Bald Cat
10:14 – Minskin Cat
11:14 – Burmilla Cat
12:43 – Chatreaux Cat
13:30 – Japanese Bobtail Cat
14:43 – La Perm Cat

[Music] 10 exotic cat breeds you never knew existed forget Garfield and grumpy orange tabies the cat world is bursting with fascinating felines you’ve probably never even heard of we’re talking about creatures with fur that shimmers like Moonlight eyes that change color like mood rings and personalities that range from cuddly lap cats to playful mini leopards this video dives into 10 of the most extraordinary cat breeds on the planet prepare to be amazed by the lecoy a breed with a distinctive lack of fur making them look like miniature werewolves or the Singapura the smallest domestic cat breed the size of a kitten even when fully grown but hold on to your catnip we’ve saved the best for last at the end of the video we’ll reveal a mindblowing fact about cats that will shatter everything you thought you knew about these furry companions is it a secret meow they all share a hidden talent they’ve been keeping in from us tune in to find out and discover a whole new side to these fascinating creatures Dare To Dream wild percious viewers welcome back to legalized exotic pets where we make the impossible P before we go on with the video I have a small favor to ask we are gaining subscribers every day but we can’t do it without you if you like the channel can you do a quick favor and hit subscribe and thumbs up because it helps us to bring you even more interesting content it is really appreciated now where were we ah yes the 10 exotic cat breeds you never knew existed think you know cats think again forget the Siamese with their piercing meow or the fluffy Persians the feline World holds a secret society of ultra rare breeds you’ve likely never even seen these aren’t your average mousers we’re talking about cats with fur that shimmers like Moonlight eyes that change color like a chameleon’s and personalities as diverse as snowflakes owning one of these pedigree Beauties is like having a living piece of art only 2 to 4% of pet cats qualify for this exclusive Club so what makes a cat breed rare it could be a coat unlike any other like the dwell fi a munchkin with folded ears that looks like a real life Elf or maybe it’s their sheer elusiveness like the sooki a Sleek cat from Kenya with mesmerizing eyes that are both Hazel and green here’s the catch Rarity comes with a price because these breeds have smaller Jean pools breeders might need to bring in cats from other countries to avoid inbreeding this can make them trickier to find and po potentially more expensive but for the dedicated cat lover the weight is worth it these exotic breeds are a window into the incredible diversity of the feline world so buckle up and get ready to discover 10 extraordinary cat breeds that will redefine your understanding of cuteness opening our list is the Egyptian ma forget grumpy internet cats the Egyptian ma is the real deal these spotted Treasures were worshiped by ancient Egyptians as gods and their name even means cat in their language but they’re not just lounging royalty Egyptian mouss are the fastest house cats around leaving Garfield in the dust their long legs propel them like a cheetah and that fold of skin near their back leg it’s their secret for mindblowing agility no other domesticated ated cat has spots quite like the mouse tiny little dots that look sprinkled on their fur and their eyes emerald green with dramatic dark rims like they have built-in eyeliner Egyptian Mouse might be descended from Gods but their hearts belong to their humans these furry friends are known for showering their favorite people with kisses cuddles and unwavering devotion next up is the Turkish f Legend has it that these stunning Turkish van cats were the mousers aboard Noah’s Ark with their pristine white coats they look otherworldly except for a splash of color on their head and tail some even have a single mysterious mark on their neck considered a thumb print of God by some these Regal felines are a rare sight outside their homeland of turkey up until 1982 the Turkish government wouldn’t let these Beauties leave the country don’t be fooled by their Angelic looks though Turkish Vans are athletic swimmers with a swimmer’s body and a love for water a surprising trait in the cat World they do require frequent brushing to keep their luxurious coat tanglefree while undeniably gorgeous Turkish Vans are independent thinkers cuddling isn’t really their thing so they might be a better fit for adults who appreciate a Regal compar Canon rather than children seeking a snugly labat all right make way for the elusive tonan the tonan or Tonk for short is a social butterfly with a surprising past these stunning felines celebrated in Siamese poems as far back as the 14th century are actually a relatively new breed from the United States their story starts with Wong Ma a walnut colored cat who arrived in San Francisco in 1930 breeders saw her potential and crossed her Burmese jeans known for being outgoing and playful with Siamese famous for their elegant looks and chatty personalities the result the tonin a luxurious and rare breed with the best of both worlds Tonks are like furry storytellers they love to vocalize we leaving tals in a series of chirps meow and purrs if you enjoy a talkative companion a tonk will fill your home with their unique chatter these energetic felines are also natural climbers to keep your ton happy and out of Mischief invest in a luxurious cat tree it will provide them with the perfect place to perch explore and Survey their Kingdom next on the list get ready for the ragam muffin the rag muffin is a cuddle monster disguised as a cat these gentle Giants are a new breed only gracing our hes since 2003 which makes them quite rare descended from rag dolls famous for their floppy ragd doll pose ragam muffins hold on to their kitten-like charm for years they’re born snowy white gradually developing a luxurious medium long coat in a variety of colors as they mature like a living work of art just like their rag doll cousins ragamuffins are cuddle Champions they’ll go limp in your arms happy to be showered with affection their sweet and easygoing personality makes them perfect for families however these lovable goofballs can also be Chow hounds keep an eye on their food bowls their love for cuddling can extend to a love for extra helpings and they can easily tip the scales at a hefty 20 lb moving on we have the peterbald imagine a cat from another world Sleek slender and hairless or maybe with a fuzzy coat that feels like velvet that’s the Peter bald a breed born in the 1990s by crossing a wrinkly dcoy cat with an elegant Oriental short hair these Cosmic cuties became All the Rage in St Petersburg Russia and and it’s not hard to see why Peter balds are more than just striking looks they’re affectionate companions who love to greet guests and get along with other cats and even dogs they might chat with you more than your average feline letting you know they’re around and craving your attention here’s a fun fact peterbalds run a bit hotter than most cats around 105 compared to the usual 101 this means they heal faster from wounds a superpower for a curious and playful cat just remember these unique creatures require occasional baths to keep their skin healthy so are you ready to welcome a chatty warm-blooded alien into your life now before we continue I have a small favor to ask we are gaining subscribers every day but we can’t do it without you if you like the channel can you do a quick favor and hit subscribe and thumbs up because it helps us to bring you even more interesting content it is really appreciated now where were we ah yes the next exotic gem on the list we present you the Min skin picture a cat that’s a mix of all things adorable hairless Like An Egyptian Sphinx tiny like a munchkin and playful like a Burmese that’s the min skin a rare and exotic breed created by a boston-based breeder who wasn’t afraid to get creative these pint-sized cuties are like Perpetual kittens their short legs make them Compact and cuddly perfect for stealing your heart and maybe a spot on your lap they come in three fur options hairless for the ultimate snuggler fully fluffy for those who love petting a soft coat or a mix of both with color on the face ears legs and tail Miskin are surprisingly agile they might not win any cat races but they’ll happily play and explore their surroundings these Social Butterflies love people dogs and other cats they’re always up for some attention and would appreciate a weekly bath to keep their skin healthy hairless cats can’t absorb oils naturally now now get ready for the burmilla the burmila is a cat born out of a happy accident back in the’80s a curious Burmese and a glamorous chinchilla Persian crossed paths and the result was a whole new breed of feline fabulousness but unlike some celebrity couples it takes a Bera five generations to truly become well a burmila breeders need to carefully combine these bloodlines to create a cat that perfectly balances the playful personality of the Burmese with the laid-back charm of the Persian this meticulous process makes the burmilla one of the rarest domestic cat breeds around but the weight is worth it these gorgeous kitties have eyeliner that would make a supermodel jealous and their personalities are a delightful mix of mischief and affection bermas are playful and love spending time with their humans they might even surprise you with their adventurous streak enjoying supervised outdoor time on a leash or a secure cat enclosure next up we have the chartre forget Fancy Cat shows the chartre is France’s coolest cat Whispers say monks or Crusaders brought them over but that’s a whole other story these silver gray cuties with Perrin didn’t even hit the us until the 19 70s think of them as mini muscle cats they’re surprisingly good Hunters with lightning reflexes fun fact some can even fetch don’t let their quiet nature fool you these playful felines have their own way of chatting think meow lless mind reading with the occasional sassy look with only a handful of breeders around owning a chartre is like having your own personal feline mystery move over and make make way for the Japanese bobtail imagine a cat with a lucky bunny tail a chipper meow and a Thousand-Year history of guarding Emperor’s Treasures that’s the Japanese Bob tail gifted from China to Japan over a millennium ago these mousers weren’t just Pest Control they were revered Protectors of the silk industry and the emperor’s Grain Stores no wonder they’re considered lucky cats in Japan their signature Bob tail isn’t a dock tail but a natural mutation that became prized through selective breeding it might look like a pom pom but all the tailbones are actually there just much smaller as playful as they are protective Japanese bobtails have a soft chirpy voice that perfectly complements their energetic personalities so if you’re looking for a feline friend with a fascinating History A Touch of good fortune and a voice that sounds like a happy song a Japanese bobtail might be your perfect match and for the last cat on our list leer meet the Le perm the adorable curly-haired cat with an origin story straight out of a fairy tale unlike most pedigree breeds the leperm isn’t the result of meticulous Planning by breeders instead said it all began with a single hairless Barn cat born in an Oregon Cherry Orchard this unique kitten later named Curly defied Expectations by sprouting a soft curly coat after a few months but that’s not all after a brush with a pickup truck engine yikes curly recovered and went on to have several litters of kittens all sporting the same captivating curly fur and known for their gentle personalities this chance mutation caused by a gene similar to those found in Devon Rex and Cornish Rex Cats is what gives Le perms their signature look their coats can range from tight ringlets to playful cork screw waves and come in a vast array of colors here’s the jaw-dropping fact unlike most Rex cats which have very fine almost Downy fur Le perms can have a surprisingly normal double coat just with all that extra curl this happy accident not only gave us a stunning breed but also a relatively low-maintenance one perfect for families looking for a unique and affectionate feline companion and that wraps up today’s adventure in exotic cats and 10 of the top breeds which you might or might not have heard of yet we hope our insights have shed some light on whether any of these Elusive and magnificent felines are right for you or your household do you have any more exotic pets you’d like us to cover sound off below and let us know in the comment section we’d love to hear about it so stick around for our next installment and join us again for more exciting discoveries right here at legalized exotic pets until next time [Music]

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