Did you know that the Welsh Terrier is one of the oldest existing terrier breeds, with roots dating back to the 18th century? But how did the Welsh Terrier earn the endearing nickname “Welshie,” and what specific traits and purposes led to its development as a distinct terrier breed?

Originating from Wales, the Welsh Terrier is one of the oldest terrier breeds, with a history dating back to the 18th century. Affectionately nicknamed the “Welshie,” this versatile and intelligent dog has won hearts with its distinctive black and tan coat, setting it apart from other terrier breeds.The Welsh Terrier is a compact yet lively dog, often described as a “big dog in a small package.” Renowned for its agility, this breed excels in various activities, including agility trials and obedience competitions. Its energetic personality and strong hunting instinct showcase its historical role as a vermin hunter in Wales.Featured in various forms of media, the Welsh Terrier’s unique charm has made it a beloved companion and a notable presence in popular culture.

Join us as we explore 40 captivating facts of the Welsh Terrier, where history, charm, and versatility converge in this enduring terrier breed.

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👉 Chapters:
0:00 Intro
0:04 Fact 1 – 5
1:22 Fact 6 – 10
2:39 Fact 11 – 15
3:57 Fact 16 – 20
5:10 Fact 21 – 25
6:29 Fact 26 – 30
7:54 Fact 31 – 35
9:38 Fact 36 – 40
10:49 Outro

40 W Terrier facts every owner should know number one an alert and spirited dog the W Terrier affectionately known as thei is generally of medium size averaging 15 to 15 1/2 in in height with females slightly smaller than males they typically weigh around 20 lb but their weight should correspond to their height and bone density number two the Welsh Terrier typically has a tan on its head legs and underbelly along with a black or sometimes Grizzly saddle on its back female Edge Terriers maybe uniformly darker tan all over they have a rectangular body shape and a brick-like face which is defined by their whiskers and beard number three well she’s sport a hard and wiy coat comprising of two layers a soft undercoat for insulation and a wiry top coat that Shields them from dirt rain and wind they also have dense and wiry fur on the muzzle legs and quarters number four well shees have only one approved color combination black and tan the tan color is usually a deep reddish Hue but lighter Tans are also allowed as per the breed standard but what’s more interesting is that weli puppies are born almost completely black number five their tail was once commonly ducked until it was prohibited in the United Kingdom in 2006 this practice was employed to attain the preferred Square appearance aligning the dog’s height with its length number six it’s interesting to note that pedigree West Terriers often have a facial structure that appears more oval-shaped and these pedigrees tend to have finer B structures giving them a more distinctive appearance number seven the welshi Bears a striking resemblance with the aell terrier both in terms of physical appearance and personality so it’s very easy to confuse one with the other these dogs are nearly identical to airds in all aspects except for their size as well as Terriers are smaller in stature compared to their larger airell counterparts number eight according to Stanley corn spook the intelligence of dogs weal Terriers are ranked 53rd out of 79 dog greed groups in terms of working obedience intelligence showing that they possess average intelligence in this aspect typically they grasp new commands after 25 to 40 repetitions and demonstrate obedience by following the First Command 50% of the time or better number nine with their strong Terrier lineage whilst Terriers can display stubbornness and Independence on occasion there are times when they may outright ignore commands if they’re not in the mood to comply number 10 this long-legged terrier breed tends to dig extensively rather than into holes like shorter legged Terriers training them to stop digging is challenging so providing a designated area for digging is a better approach number 11 these dogs also have a great fondness for swimming and they eagerly take to water whenever the opportunity arises whether it’s a lake river or a refreshing dip in the pool they find immense joy in splashing around and cooling off number 12 Welch Terriers like numerous other terrier breeds possess a robust and independent temperament marked by courage and occasional impuls iess this trait may lead them to engage in conflicts with adversaries much larger than themselves potentially resulting in unfavorable outcomes number 13 these dogs are also notorious for their pentant for barking they use barking to communicate a wide range of situations whether it’s alerting you to a person approaching a squirrel in a tree or the time for their evening walk at 6:00 p.m. number 14 well she are recognized for their joyful disposition positive outlook and intelligence making them an excellent choice for a family pet while they tend to get along better with other dogs compared to some other Terriers they won’t hesitate to stand their ground if challenged number 15 these Terriers also have an intense prey drive owing to their hunting Heritage and for them any small moving animal is fair gain they’re Relentless in their Pursuit chasing after creatures like badgers foxes and Vermin without regard for the environment or the time it takes to do so which is why keeping them on a leash when outside is essential number 16 Welch Terriers are typically a healthy breed with an average life expectancy ranging from 12 to 15 years with proper love and care many of them can enjoy a longer and healthier life surpassing their expected years number 17 similar to any other dog breed well she can be susceptible to certain health issues common health concerns for the breed include allergies epilepsy glycom hypothy dism cataracts and cancer number 18 well shees also have a higher susceptibility to genetic ailment known as primary lens luxation this condition results in the displacement of the ice lens typically manifesting in middle age and eventually leading to blindness it occurs due to the deterioration of the fibers responsible for lens support number 19 these Terriers excel in activities like Earth dog and barn hunt where their hunting instincts are put to good use they prove to be an excellent choice for these Dog Sports and their skills also extend to coursing Ability tests number 20 as highly active Terriers while shees need ample mental and physical stimulation to deter bad habits like Furniture chewing emphasizing the importance of regular exercise and mental engagement so don’t think that you can cheat out an exercise when it comes to this breed number 21 known for their intelligence and hardworking spirit this breed excels in versatility showcasing their abilities in various other Dog Sports such as agility flyball tracking and obedience competitions they’ve also been involved in search and rescue operations and therapy work number 22 the wch terrier is considered a vulnerable native breed in the UK which is not widely recognized in 2015 only about 380 dogs were registered with the kennel Cub today the Welch Terrier is listed among breeds at risk of decline by the UK Kel club with as few as 300 or so pups registered annually highlighting the breeds endangered status number 23 while the complete history of the West Terrier is not entirely clear evidence from ancient paintings and prints suggests that this breed has a long and possibly ancient lineage perhaps even among the first Terriers number 20 4 originally referred to as the black and tan wire hair Terrier or the old English terrier It is believed that these dogs began to evolve into the breed we recognize today during the 1700s number 25 while the breed’s distinctive characteristics were still developing in the 1700s there is historical documentation of a West Terrier as far back as 1450 in a poem from that era a West poet mentioned a good black and red choke the Brown pole cat which provides an early reference to the breed number 26 Jing the 18th century the breed gained popularity in the rugged mountainous areas of Wheels among farmers and Hunters who pursued foxes otter rodents and Badgers the breed’s courage tenacity and robust Nature Made It Well Suited for the challenging task of digging out aggressive Badgers from their dens number 27 this scruffy little dog was often shown and grouped among Old English Terriers a category that included various terior breeds interestingly it wasn’t until 1885 that the Kennel Club of England officially acknowledged the This Charming breed as the Welch Terrier number 28 Welch Terriers made their way to America in 1885 and by 1888 they received official recognition as a distinct Breed by The American kennal Club the West Terrier Club was then founded in 1990 setting the states for their popularity to steadily rise from that point forward number 29 the W Terrier finds itself on the less popular end of the spectrum ranking 113 out of 199 breeds in terms of popularity in America according to the akc’s list of most popular dog breeds in 2022 despite this they have cultivated a dedicated fan base of devoted followers number 30 well she’s are relatively uncommon In America which can drive up their prices typically you can expect to pay between $950 and $3,000 for a West Terrier puppy with the average price being around $1600 puppies with Superior Bloodlines and command prices exceeding $3,000 number 31 the Welch Taver became the 45th breed achiev full recognition by the AKC and and has been a consistent presence in confirmation shows since then despite its long-standing presence and participation A’s Terrier has yet to receive the prestigious best and show award at the AKC national championship presented by Royal Cannon number 32 in 2019 wel terer Grand Champion right luck Money Talks or Dazzle achieved a remarkable success winning Best in Show at the Montgomery County Kennel Club and securing victories at the West area Club of America National Specialty and the AKC national championship by year end Dazzle had 160 group first wins and 37 Best in Show wins making him America’s number one terrier and number four dog among all greets number 33 another notable W Terrier Champion florel rare bit of Twin Ponds made history by becoming the only W Terrier to invest in show at the Westminster Kennel Club in 1944 triumphing over more than 2510 dogs rare bit achieved significant success ranking among the top winning dogs of all breeds for at least 2 years with 22 us Best in Show titles along with 7 24 best of breed and 47 group one wins number 34 during jonf Kennedy’s presidency the family had a West Terrier named Charlie jacn Kennedy gave Charlie to JFK as a gift during the presidential campaign and he formed a close bond with the president Mrs Kennedy affectionately referred to Charlie as Jack’s dog Charlie often accompanied the president for swims and evening walks with discreet Secret Service protection number 35 we Terriers also hold a special place in the hearts of the nobility evidence Ed by Edward iith the British monarch who briefly reigned in 1936 before his abdication during this time he cherished a w Terrier named Gwen number 36 in PG woodh House’s novel Money for Nothing the English writer introduces John Carroll a character who is the proud owner of a w Terrier named Emily number 37 the British prime minister Clement Atley who followed Winston Churchill and held office from 1945 to 1951 at a beloved West Terrier named Tang as a member of the nobility actually even Incorporated ated this cherish dog into his family coat of arms number 38 in the 2004 animated movie Balto three wings of change there’s a lively wor Terrier named Mel who resides at the post office Mel gets worried when the male dogs are late whenever there’s tension or anxiety Mel tends to overreact and express concerns about potential problems number 39 did you know that it was David payer an Oscar nominated actor who voiced an eradicate Terrier character named Mel in the animated film BTA 3 winds have changed well if you didn’t now you know it number 40 W Terrier owners know the stink ey well when your W she is displeased or doesn’t get their way they give you the signature look this phrase is so well known that there’s an annual fundraiser in Greenville South Carolina called the stink ey walk and social where Welsh Terrier enthusiasts gather for 3 days all right you guys now which of these welshy facts surprise you the most please let us know in the comments below thanks for watching


  1. My welshie is 10 years old and still happy and healthy and playfull. His name is Tegan whick translates to pet or gift as a term of endearment in Welsh. I'm so lucky to have been able to find him in the Netherlands. Thank Dog, people love their terriers here!

  2. My Welshie doesn't dig, hates swimming, there's only one toy he will ever play with and he is more keen on food than any Labrador. He got into a field of sheep once and ignored the sheep and ate all the feed in their trough.

  3. We have had two Welsh Terriers the first Bogie passed at age 10. He was a true gentlemen and was very much missed. In 2013 we Luci from a well respected breeder and she is now 10 years old. She is a great dog, she does not dig and will not go near the water we hope to have her for many more years. Nice video well done!

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