
DEEP WET Snowshoe to Umbrella Falls on May 1st | Mt. Hood, Oregon

Gracie girl and I head out to Mt.Hood on May 1st after a spring snowstorm. Around 15 inches of snow fell. The day was perfect, minimal wind and warmer temperatures. We attempted to cross country ski at first but the snow was so wet that it was sticking to the skis. So we returned to the truck and donned some snow shoes. The snow was deep, I needed the flotation tails for the MSR snowshoes I was using, but we made it anyway. Next time I will make sure I have the tails in the truck.

We take off from a parking lot at Mt. Hood Meadows ski resort and we go to Umbrella Falls for an awesome day.

Just trying to escape the Matrix. Thanks for watching.

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Anton Kramar – Pulse of Time
Music provided by Tunetank.
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Song: Timur Haisyn – Crossing the Clouds
Music provided by Tunetank.
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for [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] you having fun out here you like the snow you like the snow don’t you hi I’m Matt the disillusion 1811 and I’m hopeful you can hear me behind the sounds of umbrella Falls this is Gracie girl and we are out snowshoeing today uh in Mount Hood and it’s May 1st so we got about 15 in of snow in the last 48 hours and I decided to come up here and try some cross country skiing and we took off from one of the parking lots near Mount Hood Meadows the ski resort here and the snow is just wet and really easy compactable so the snow is sticking to the ski so I returned to the truck and on some snowshoes uh but the mistake I made is I should have had like these deep powder tails to put on the back of the snowshoes cuz it’s still a hard slog out here uh it’s a beautiful beautiful spring day nobody’s out here and that’s why we like it we like to get out here get some Solitude just me and my dog and mother nature it’s God’s church right here and we are enjoying the sunshine and we are blessed to have this day so hopefully you’re enjoying this adventure it’s a short little like on M hike uh it’s been tough though in this snow condition so we have the snow falling off the trees now as the sun’s warming up and Gracie is not sure what is happening when the snow drops down off the trees [Applause] [Applause] touch it’s a lot easier going back since we broke a trail and this snow is starting to compact down Grace you want to take the lead let’s go high Kake let’s go hi K let’s go [Music] thanks for watching guys we made it back to the adventure mobile and it’s just a short little Adventure Escaping The Matrix and don’t forget to get out there and escape the matrix yourself


  1. Beautiful scenery…Gracie is a great trail dog…you can tell she loves her master…took your glasses off…ha…loved the falls too

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