#pyramid #facts

amazing facts about pyramids fact number one mathematical symbolism the design of the pyramids includes mathematical symbolism for instance doubling the height of a Great Pyramid nearly equals the Earth’s radius and the ratio of the pyramid’s perimeter to its height is close to the value of pi fact number two geometric Precision the Great Pyramid of Giza the most famous pyramid is geometrically precise its four sides are almost perfectly aligned with the cardinal directions North South East and West with each side’s length differing by only a few centimeters fact number three Timeless structures built around 4,500 years ago the pyramids have remarkably retained their original shape this longevity demonstrates the Advanced Construction techniques and durability of the materials used at the time fact number four enormous Workforce the construction of the Great Pyramid involved approximately 2 million stone blocks each weighing around 2.5 tons on average it is estimated that tens of thousands of workers in several decades were required to completed if you enjoyed watching it please press the screen twice

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