Meet Shadow, the 13-year-old Tibetan Terrier who’s staying active and mobile with our help!

Shadow is living with hip arthritis and muscle wastage in his back legs, but he’s not letting that slow him down. His pet parents noticed he was struggling on walks and with stairs, so he comes to us for regular hydrotherapy and laser treatment sessions.

These treatments are helping Shadow retain his mobility and build strength in his hind legs. And he’s got a special cheerleader – his support dog, Buddy!

We’re proud to be part of Shadow’s care team and help him enjoy his golden years to the fullest!

#DogsInMotion #CanineRehabilitation #TibetanTerrier #HipArthritis #MuscleWastage #HydrotherapyForDogs #LaserTherapyForDogs #SeniorDogs #GeriatricCare #DogRehab #PetCare #AnimalRehabilitation #RehabilitationJourney #DogParents #Melbourne #Australia #PetLovers #DogLovers #RehabilitationCentre #CanineRehabilitationCentre

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