this is why you need a dog with a golden pedigree ever dreamt of a pooch living in a palace let’s get started first up meet the Afghan Hound with their flowing locks and Regal STS these dogs are basically super models picture one lounging in a luxurious mansion sipping Gourmet water next we have the Saluki known as the Royal dogs of Egypt these Sleek Beauties were once the companions of pharaohs imagine them draped in silk living the high life and how can we forget the Tibetan Mas if this furball has a price tag that could make your jaw drop did you know one was sold for a whopping $1.9 million you could buy a mansion but why not a dog instead finally the Samoyed their smile is worth a million bucks literally often seen in the company of the elite these fluffy clouds are the epitome of luxury so which breed do you think takes the crown for the most extravagant drop your thoughts in the comments and don’t forget to subscribe for more Tales of Pampered Pets

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